Hi, March 2017 was my seventh month as a payed Debian LTS contributor.
I was allocated 13.5 hours. Because of personal problems forcing me to set aside my free software activites, I could only spend 4 of them doing the following tasks: * Continue to investigate CVE-2016-8685 in potrace. All in all, the issue is probably going to be marked no-dsa since it is not critical and upstream patch only fixes the issue for low optimization levels, turning this issue into a hardly debuggable and time consuming problem. * Investigate CVE-2017-6596 in partclone. I could not reproduce the issue on Debian yet (wheezy/jessie/stretch) and asked upstream for his reproducer. April is going to be a quieter month, and I should be able to spend all of my assigned hours. Best Regards, Hugo -- Hugo Lefeuvre (hle) | www.owl.eu.com 4096/ ACB7 B67F 197F 9B32 1533 431C AC90 AC3E C524 065E
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