Hi LTS list,

I spent the last six hours backporting the CVE-2016-7067 patch[1] to
monit 5.4 from Debian Wheezy. A lot of manual backporting work was needed.

I already tested the resulting package on a productive Wheezy system
running monit and verified that it
*) installs and upgrades cleanly
*) indeed fixes the CSRF vulnerability:
   - tested with POST request lacking the CSRF protection token
   - tested with triggering status change over a GET request
*) adds a "secure" flag if request comes over HTTPS
*) doesn't introduce regressions to the basic functionality of monit

Still, as the patch is rather intrusive and only tested by me so far,
I'm asking for help: both testing the packages and reviewing the patch
would be much appreciated.

Wrt reviewing, the patch includes detailed documentation about what I
did in order to backport the CSRF protection.

The debdiff of monit 5.4-2+deb7u1 is attached to this mail. Source
packages and binary packages for amd64 can be found here:


diff -Nru monit-5.4/debian/changelog monit-5.4/debian/changelog
--- monit-5.4/debian/changelog  2012-06-01 12:50:49.000000000 +0200
+++ monit-5.4/debian/changelog  2016-11-30 20:00:25.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+monit (1:5.4-2+deb7u1) wheezy-security; urgency=high
+  * Non-maintainer upload by the LTS Team.
+  * Add 09_CVE-2016-7067.patch, fixing CVE-2016-7067: monit actions are
+    vulnerable to cross-site request forgery (CSRF), e.g. allowing an attacker
+    to enable/disable monitoring of hosts and services.
+ -- Jonas Meurer <m...@debian.org>  Wed, 30 Nov 2016 20:00:25 +0100
 monit (1:5.4-2) unstable; urgency=low
   * Chande dh compat to 9, enable hardening support
diff -Nru monit-5.4/debian/patches/09_CVE-2016-7067.patch 
--- monit-5.4/debian/patches/09_CVE-2016-7067.patch     1970-01-01 
01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ monit-5.4/debian/patches/09_CVE-2016-7067.patch     2016-11-30 
19:59:22.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,560 @@
+From: Jonas Meurer <jo...@freesources.org>
+Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2016 15:45:34 +0100
+Subject: Fix CSRF vulnerability (CVE-2016-7067).
+* Backport upstream commit c6ec3820e627f85417053e6336de2987f2d863e3 to
+  monit 5.4 codebase. It implements the double-sumit cookie pattern to
+  protect all POST requests against Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF).
+  - Disabling the following http services for GET requests, requiring CSRF
+    protected POST: _doaction, _viewlog (_summary and _report are not
+    implemented in monit 5.4 yet).
+  - The service for "_runtime" and "/<servicename>" is still available via
+    GET, but only the non-state changing part (read-only) - the actions for
+    "_runtime" (force validate, stop monit http) and "/<servicename>" require
+    CSRF protected POST too.
+* The original patch doesn't apply against monit 5.4 as the codebase
+  changed a lot since then. Additional manual backporting was needed:
+  - src/http/cervlet.c doPost(): enable actions _status and _status2 for
+    POST requests.
+  - src/http/processor.h: send_error() in monit 5.4 takes three arguments,
+    change __atribute__ at declaration of send_error() to  "(printf, 3, 4)".
+  - src/http/processor.c:
+    - send_error(): add optional additional arguments ("...").
+    - do_service(): use "Run.httpdssl" instead of "Run.http.flags &&
+                    Httpd_Ssl" as condition in invokation of set_header().
+    - is_authenticated(): replace invokation of Socket_getRemoteHost() by
+                          old name socket_get_remote_host(); "return FALSE"
+                          instead of "return false".
+  - src/http/processor.c, src/util.c: remove superfluous first argument "req"
+    from invokation of send_error().
+  - src/util.c: include system/Time.h from libmonit, as Util_getToken() uses
+    Time_now() from there.
+  - libmonit/src/util/Str.[ch]: backport Str_compareConstantTime() as it is
+    used in patched is_authenticated() from src/http/processor.c.
+  - src/control.c control_service_daemon(), src/collector.c data_send():
+    the patch against _send() at src/http/client.c needs to go into both
+    functions.
+Origin: upstream, https://bitbucket.org/tildeslash/monit/commits/c6ec382
+Origin: upstream, https://bitbucket.org/tildeslash/monit/commits/8144093
+--- a/libmonit/src/util/Str.c
++++ b/libmonit/src/util/Str.c
+@@ -430,3 +430,16 @@ int Str_cmp(const void *x, const void *y
+         return strcmp((const char *)x, (const char *)y);
+ }
++int Str_compareConstantTime(const void *x, const void *y) {
++        // Copy input to zero initialized buffers of fixed size, to prevent 
string length timing attack (handle NULL input as well). If some string exceeds 
hardcoded buffer size, error is returned.
++        char _x[MAX_CONSTANT_TIME_STRING_LENGTH + 1] = {};
++        char _y[MAX_CONSTANT_TIME_STRING_LENGTH + 1] = {};
++        if (snprintf(_x, sizeof(_x), "%s", x ? (const char *)x : "") > 
MAX_CONSTANT_TIME_STRING_LENGTH || snprintf(_y, sizeof(_y), "%s", y ? (const 
++                return 1;
++        int rv = 0;
++        for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(_x); i++)
++                rv |= _x[i] ^ _y[i];
++        return rv;
+--- a/libmonit/src/util/Str.h
++++ b/libmonit/src/util/Str.h
+@@ -37,6 +37,13 @@
+ /**
++ * Maximum length of input for Str_compareConstantTime() method. We support
++ * currently up to 64 characters, which is enough for SHA256 digests.
++ */
+  * Test if the given string is defined. That is; not NULL nor the 
+  * empty ("") string
+  * @param s The string to test
+@@ -418,4 +425,14 @@ unsigned int Str_hash(const void *x);
+ int Str_cmp(const void *x, const void *y);
++ * Compare case sensitive two strings in constant time. This function
++ * can be used for timing-attack resistent comparison of credentials.
++ * @param x A String
++ * @param y A String
++ * @return 0 if x and y are equal otherwise a non-zero integer
++ */
++int Str_compareConstantTime(const void *x, const void *y);
+ #endif
+--- a/src/collector.c
++++ b/src/collector.c
+@@ -64,10 +64,13 @@
+  */
+ static int data_send(Socket_T socket, Mmonit_T C, const char *D) {
+         char *auth = Util_getBasicAuthHeader(C->url->user, C->url->password);
++        MD_T token;
++      Util_getToken(token);
+         int rv = socket_print(socket,
+                           "POST %s HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+                           "Host: %s:%d\r\n"
+                           "Content-Type: text/xml\r\n"
++                          "Cookie: securitytoken=%s\r\n"
+                           "Content-Length: %d\r\n"
+                           "Pragma: no-cache\r\n"
+                           "Accept: */*\r\n"
+@@ -79,6 +82,7 @@ static int data_send(Socket_T socket, Mm
+                           C->url->path,
+                           C->url->hostname, C->url->port,
+                           strlen(D),
++                          token,
+                           prog, VERSION,
+                           auth?auth:"",
+                           D);
+--- a/src/control.c
++++ b/src/control.c
+@@ -116,14 +116,19 @@ int control_service_daemon(const char *S
+         /* Send request */
+         auth = Util_getBasicAuthHeaderMonit();
++        MD_T token;
++        Util_getToken(token);
+         if (socket_print(socket,
+                 "POST /%s HTTP/1.0\r\n"
+                 "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"
++                "Cookie: securitytoken=%s\r\n"
+                 "Content-Length: %d\r\n"
+                 "%s"
+                 "\r\n"
+                 "action=%s",
++                "securitytoken=%s&action=%s",
+                 S,
++                token,
+                 strlen("action=") + strlen(action),
+                 auth ? auth : "",
+                 action) < 0)
+--- a/src/http/cervlet.c
++++ b/src/http/cervlet.c
+@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
+ #define GETID       "/_getid"
+ #define STATUS      "/_status"
+ #define STATUS2     "/_status2"
+-#define RUN         "/_runtime"
++#define RUNTIME     "/_runtime"
+ #define VIEWLOG     "/_viewlog"
+ #define DOACTION    "/_doaction"
+@@ -109,9 +109,11 @@ static void do_ping(HttpRequest, HttpRes
+ static void do_getid(HttpRequest, HttpResponse);
+ static void do_runtime(HttpRequest, HttpResponse);
+ static void do_viewlog(HttpRequest, HttpResponse);
+-static void handle_action(HttpRequest, HttpResponse);
+-static void handle_do_action(HttpRequest, HttpResponse);
+-static void handle_run(HttpRequest, HttpResponse);
++static void handle_service(HttpRequest, HttpResponse);
++static void handle_service_action(HttpRequest, HttpResponse);
++static void handle_doaction(HttpRequest, HttpResponse);
++static void handle_runtime(HttpRequest, HttpResponse);
++static void handle_runtime_action(HttpRequest, HttpResponse);
+ static void is_monit_running(HttpRequest, HttpResponse);
+ static void do_service(HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Service_T);
+ static void print_alerts(HttpResponse, Mail_T);
+@@ -185,12 +187,18 @@ static void doPost(HttpRequest req, Http
+         set_content_type(res, "text/html");
+-        if(ACTION(RUN)) {
+-                handle_run(req, res);
++        if(ACTION(RUNTIME)) {
++                handle_runtime_action(req, res);
++        } else if(ACTION(VIEWLOG)) {
++                do_viewlog(req, res);
++        } else if(ACTION(STATUS)) {
++                print_status(req, res, 1);
++        } else if(ACTION(STATUS2)) {
++                print_status(req, res, 2);
+         } else if(ACTION(DOACTION)) {
+-                handle_do_action(req, res);
++                handle_doaction(req, res);
+         } else {
+-                handle_action(req, res);
++                handle_service_action(req, res);
+         }
+ }
+@@ -208,12 +216,10 @@ static void doGet(HttpRequest req, HttpR
+                 LOCK(Run.mutex)
+                 do_home(req, res);
+                 END_LOCK;
+-        } else if(ACTION(RUN)) {
+-                handle_run(req, res);
++        } else if(ACTION(RUNTIME)) {
++                handle_runtime(req, res);
+         } else if(ACTION(TEST)) {
+                 is_monit_running(req, res);
+-        } else if(ACTION(VIEWLOG)) {
+-                do_viewlog(req, res);
+         } else if(ACTION(ABOUT)) {
+                 do_about(req, res);
+         } else if(ACTION(PING)) {
+@@ -224,10 +230,8 @@ static void doGet(HttpRequest req, HttpR
+                 print_status(req, res, 1);
+         } else if(ACTION(STATUS2)) {
+                 print_status(req, res, 2);
+-        } else if(ACTION(DOACTION)) {
+-                handle_do_action(req, res);
+         } else {
+-                handle_action(req, res);
++                handle_service(req, res);
+         }
+ }
+@@ -455,15 +459,33 @@ static void do_runtime(HttpRequest req,
+                 StringBuffer_append(res->outputbuffer,
+                           "<table id='buttons'><tr>");
+                 StringBuffer_append(res->outputbuffer,
+-                          "<td style='color:red;'><form method=POST 
action='_runtime'>Stop Monit http server? "
+-                          "<input type=hidden name='action' 
value='stop'><input type=submit value='Go'></form></td>");
+-                StringBuffer_append(res->outputbuffer,
+-                          "<td><form method=POST action='_runtime'>Force 
validate now? <input type=hidden name='action' value='validate'>"
+-                          "<input type=submit value='Go'></form></td>");
++                          "<td style='color:red;'>"
++                          "<form method=POST action='_runtime'>Stop Monit 
http server? "
++                          "<input type=hidden name='securitytoken' 
++                          "<input type=hidden name='action' value='stop'>"
++                          "<input type=submit value='Go'>"
++                          "</form>"
++                          "</td>",
++                          res->token);
++                StringBuffer_append(res->outputbuffer,
++                          "<td>"
++                          "<form method=POST action='_runtime'>Force validate 
now? "
++                          "<input type=hidden name='securitytoken' 
++                          "<input type=hidden name='action' value='validate'>"
++                          "<input type=submit value='Go'>"
++                          "</form>"
++                          "</td>",
++                          res->token);
+                 if(Run.dolog && !Run.use_syslog) {
+                         StringBuffer_append(res->outputbuffer,
+-                                  "<td><form method=GET 
action='_viewlog'>View Monit logfile? <input type=submit 
++                                  "<td>"
++                                  "<form method=POST action='_viewlog'>View 
Monit logfile? "
++                                  "<input type=hidden name='securitytoken' 
++                                  "<input type=submit value='Go'>"
++                                  "</form>"
++                                  "</td>",
++                                  res->token);
+                 }
+                 StringBuffer_append(res->outputbuffer,
+                           "</tr></table>");
+@@ -529,7 +551,18 @@ static void do_viewlog(HttpRequest req,
+ }
+-static void handle_action(HttpRequest req, HttpResponse res) {
++static void handle_service(HttpRequest req, HttpResponse res) {
++        char *name = req->url;
++        Service_T s = Util_getService(++name);
++        if (! s) {
++                send_error(res, SC_NOT_FOUND, "There is no service named 
\"%s\"", name ? name : "");
++                return;
++        }
++        do_service(req, res, s);
++static void handle_service_action(HttpRequest req, HttpResponse res) {
+         int doaction;
+         char *name = req->url;
+         const char *action;
+@@ -569,12 +602,11 @@ static void handle_action(HttpRequest re
+ }
+-static void handle_do_action(HttpRequest req, HttpResponse res) {
++static void handle_doaction(HttpRequest req, HttpResponse res) {
+         Service_T s;
+         int doaction = ACTION_IGNORE;
+         const char *action = get_parameter(req, "action");
+         const char *token = get_parameter(req, "token");
+         if(action) {
+                 HttpParameter p;
+@@ -623,8 +655,13 @@ static void handle_do_action(HttpRequest
+ }
+-static void handle_run(HttpRequest req, HttpResponse res) {
++static void handle_runtime(HttpRequest req, HttpResponse res) {
++        LOCK(Run.mutex)
++        do_runtime(req, res);
++        END_LOCK;
++static void handle_runtime_action(HttpRequest req, HttpResponse res) {
+         const char *action= get_parameter(req, "action");
+         if(action) {
+@@ -645,9 +682,7 @@ static void handle_run(HttpRequest req,
+                 }
+         }
+-        LOCK(Run.mutex)
+-        do_runtime(req, res);
+-        END_LOCK;
++        handle_runtime(req, res);
+ }
+@@ -1440,29 +1475,47 @@ static void print_buttons(HttpRequest re
+         /* Start program */
+         if(s->start)
+                 StringBuffer_append(res->outputbuffer, 
+-                          "<td><form method=POST action=%s>"
++                          "<td>"
++                          "<form method=POST action=%s>"
++                          "<input type=hidden name='securitytoken' 
+                           "<input type=hidden value='start' name=action>"
+-                          "<input type=submit value='Start 
service'></form></td>", s->name);
++                          "<input type=submit value='Start service'>"
++                          "</form>"
++                          "</td>", s->name, res->token);
+         /* Stop program */
+         if(s->stop)
+                 StringBuffer_append(res->outputbuffer, 
+-                          "<td><form method=POST action=%s>"
++                          "<td>"
++                          "<form method=POST action=%s>"
++                          "<input type=hidden name='securitytoken' 
+                           "<input type=hidden value='stop' name=action>"
+-                          "<input type=submit value='Stop 
service'></form></td>", s->name);
++                          "<input type=submit value='Stop service'>"
++                          "</form>"
++                          "</td>", s->name, res->token);
+         /* Restart program */
+         if(s->start && s->stop)
+                 StringBuffer_append(res->outputbuffer, 
+-                          "<td><form method=POST action=%s>"
++                          "<td>"
++                          "<form method=POST action=%s>"
++                          "<input type=hidden name='securitytoken' 
+                           "<input type=hidden value='restart' name=action>"
+-                          "<input type=submit value='Restart 
service'></form></td>", s->name);
++                          "<input type=submit value='Restart service'>"
++                          "</form>"
++                          "</td>", s->name, res->token);
+         /* (un)monitor */
+         StringBuffer_append(res->outputbuffer, 
+-                  "<td><form method=POST action=%s>"
++                  "<td>"
++                  "<form method=POST action=%s>"
++                  "<input type=hidden name='securitytoken' value='%s'>"
+                   "<input type=hidden value='%s' name=action>"
+-                  "<input type=submit value='%s'></form></td></tr></table>",
++                  "<input type=submit value='%s'>"
++                  "</form>"
++                  "</td>",
+                   s->name,
++                  res->token,
+                   s->monitor ? "unmonitor" : "monitor",
+                   s->monitor ? "Disable monitoring" : "Enable monitoring");
++        StringBuffer_append(res->outputbuffer, "</tr></table>");
+ }
+--- a/src/http/processor.c
++++ b/src/http/processor.c
+@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ void add_Impl(void(*doGet)(HttpRequest,
+  * @param code Error Code to lookup and send
+  * @param msg Optional error message (may be NULL)
+  */
+-void send_error(HttpResponse res, int code, const char *msg) {
++void send_error(HttpResponse res, int code, const char *msg, ...) {
+   char server[STRLEN];
+   const char *err= get_status_string(code);
+@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ void send_error(HttpResponse res, int co
+  * @param name Header key name
+  * @param value Header key value
+  */
+-void set_header(HttpResponse res, const char *name, const char *value) {
++void set_header(HttpResponse res, const char *name, const char *value, ...) {
+   HttpHeader h= NULL;
+   ASSERT(res);
+@@ -206,7 +206,10 @@ void set_header(HttpResponse res, const
+   NEW(h);
+   h->name= Str_dup(name);
+-  h->value= Str_dup(value);
++  va_list ap;
++  va_start(ap, value);
++  h->value= Str_vcat(value, ap);
++  va_end(ap);
+   if(res->headers) {
+     HttpHeader n, p;
+     for( n= p= res->headers; p; n= p, p= p->next) {
+@@ -242,7 +245,7 @@ void set_status(HttpResponse res, int co
+  * @param mime Mime content type, e.g. text/html
+  */
+ void set_content_type(HttpResponse res, const char *mime) {
+-  set_header(res, "Content-Type", mime);
++  set_header(res, "Content-Type", "%s", mime);
+ }
+@@ -409,6 +412,7 @@ static void do_service(Socket_T s) {
+   if(res && req) {
+     if(is_authenticated(req, res)) {
++      set_header(res, "Set-Cookie", "securitytoken=%s; Max-Age=600; HttpOnly; 
SameSite=strict%s", res->token, Run.httpdssl ? "; Secure" : "");
+       if(IS(req->method, METHOD_GET)) {
+       Impl.doGet(req, res);
+       } else if(IS(req->method, METHOD_POST)) {
+@@ -534,6 +538,7 @@ static HttpResponse create_HttpResponse(
+   res->is_committed= FALSE;
+   res->protocol= SERVER_PROTOCOL;
+   res->status_msg= get_status_string(SC_OK);
++  Util_getToken(res->token);
+   return res;
+ }
+@@ -701,6 +706,30 @@ static int is_authenticated(HttpRequest
+       return FALSE;
+     }
+   }
++  if (IS(req->method, METHOD_POST)) {
++    // Check CSRF double-submit cookie 
++    const char *cookie = get_header(req, "Cookie");
++    const char *token = get_parameter(req, "securitytoken");
++    if (! cookie) {
++      LogError("HttpRequest: access denied -- client [%s]: missing CSRF token 
cookie\n", NVLSTR(socket_get_remote_host(req->S)));
++      send_error(res, SC_FORBIDDEN, "Invalid CSRF Token");
++      return FALSE;
++    }
++    if (! token) {
++      LogError("HttpRequest: access denied -- client [%s]: missing CSRF token 
in HTTP parameter\n", NVLSTR(socket_get_remote_host(req->S)));
++      send_error(res, SC_FORBIDDEN, "Invalid CSRF Token");
++      return FALSE;
++    }
++    if (! Str_startsWith(cookie, "securitytoken=")) {
++      LogError("HttpRequest: access denied -- client [%s]: no CSRF token in 
cookie\n", NVLSTR(socket_get_remote_host(req->S)));
++      send_error(res, SC_FORBIDDEN, "Invalid CSRF Token");
++      return FALSE;
++    }
++    if (Str_compareConstantTime(cookie + 14, token)) {
++      LogError("HttpRequest: access denied -- client [%s]: CSRF token 
mismatch\n", NVLSTR(socket_get_remote_host(req->S)));
++      send_error(res, SC_FORBIDDEN, "Invalid CSRF Token");
++    }
++  }
+   return TRUE;
+ }
+--- a/src/http/processor.h
++++ b/src/http/processor.h
+@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ typedef struct response {
+   ssl_connection *ssl;
+   const char *status_msg; 
+   StringBuffer_T outputbuffer;
++  MD_T token;
+ } *HttpResponse;
+@@ -112,8 +113,8 @@ const char *get_status_string(int status
+ void add_Impl(void(*doGet)(HttpRequest, HttpResponse), 
void(*doPost)(HttpRequest, HttpResponse));
+ void set_content_type(HttpResponse res, const char *mime);
+ const char *get_header(HttpRequest req, const char *header_name);
+-void send_error(HttpResponse, int status, const char *message);
++void send_error(HttpResponse, int status, const char *message, ...) 
__attribute__((format (printf, 3, 4)));
+ const char *get_parameter(HttpRequest req, const char *parameter_name);
+-void set_header(HttpResponse res, const char *name, const char *value);
++void set_header(HttpResponse res, const char *name, const char *value, ...) 
__attribute__((format (printf, 3, 4)));
+ #endif
+--- a/src/util.c
++++ b/src/util.c
+@@ -129,6 +129,9 @@
+ #include "process.h"
+ #include "event.h"
++// libmonit
++# include "system/Time.h"
+ struct ad_user {
+         const char *login;
+@@ -1319,15 +1322,23 @@ void Util_printServiceList() {
+ }
++char *Util_getToken(MD_T token) {
++        md5_context_t ctx;
++        char buf[STRLEN];
++        MD_T digest;
++        snprintf(buf, STRLEN, "%lu%d%lu", (unsigned long)Time_now(), 
getpid(), random());
++        md5_init(&ctx);
++        md5_append(&ctx, (const md5_byte_t *)buf, STRLEN - 1);
++        md5_finish(&ctx, (md5_byte_t *)digest);
++        Util_digest2Bytes((unsigned char *)digest, 16, token);
++        return token;
+ char *Util_monitId(char *idfile) {
+-        FILE *file = NULL;
+         ASSERT(idfile);
++        FILE *file = NULL;
+         if(! file_exist(idfile)) {
+-                md5_context_t ctx;
+-                char buf[STRLEN];
+-                MD_T digest;
++                // Generate the unique id
+                 mode_t mask = umask(PRIVATEMASK);
+                 file = fopen(idfile, "w");
+                 umask(mask);
+@@ -1335,13 +1346,7 @@ char *Util_monitId(char *idfile) {
+                         LogError("%s: Error opening the idfile '%s' -- %s\n", 
prog, idfile, STRERROR);
+                         return NULL;
+                 }
+-                /* Generate the unique id */
+-                snprintf(buf, STRLEN, "%lu%d%lu", (unsigned long)time(NULL), 
getpid(), random());
+-                md5_init(&ctx);
+-                md5_append(&ctx, (const md5_byte_t *)buf, (int)strlen(buf));
+-                md5_finish(&ctx, (md5_byte_t *)digest);
+-                Util_digest2Bytes((unsigned char *)digest, 16, Run.id);
+-                fprintf(file, "%s", Run.id);
++                fprintf(file, "%s", Util_getToken(Run.id));
+                 LogInfo("%s: generated unique Monit id %s and stored to 
'%s'\n", prog, Run.id, idfile);
+         } else {
+                 if(! file_isFile(idfile)) {
+--- a/src/util.h
++++ b/src/util.h
+@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ int Util_handle0Escapes(char *buf);
+  * @param digest buffer containing a MD digest
+  * @param mdlen digest length
+  * @param result buffer to write the result to. Must be at least 41 bytes 
++ * @return pointer to result buffer
+  */
+ char *Util_digest2Bytes(unsigned char *digest, int mdlen, MD_T result);
+@@ -166,6 +167,14 @@ void Util_printServiceList();
+ /**
++ * Get a random token
++ * @param token buffer to store the MD digest
++ * @return pointer to token buffer
++ */
++char *Util_getToken(MD_T token);
+  * Open and read the id from the given idfile. If the idfile doesn't exist,
+  * generate new id and store it in the id file.
+  * @param idfile An idfile with full path
diff -Nru monit-5.4/debian/patches/series monit-5.4/debian/patches/series
--- monit-5.4/debian/patches/series     2012-06-01 12:50:49.000000000 +0200
+++ monit-5.4/debian/patches/series     2016-11-30 12:01:01.000000000 +0100
@@ -2,3 +2,4 @@

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Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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