Hello, On Sat, 24 Sep 2016, Chris Lamb wrote: > the Debian LTS team would like to fix the security issues which are > currently open in the Wheezy version of irssi: > https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/CVE-2016-7553
After futher review, I opted to tag this no-dsa meaning that we will not handle the issue by ourselves. This information leak is only problematic when you run irssi on a multi-user machine and when you use /upgrade. This is not a very frequent use case. That said you are still welcome to provide an update in wheezy if you wish so. Cheers, -- Raphaël Hertzog ◈ Debian Developer Support Debian LTS: http://www.freexian.com/services/debian-lts.html Learn to master Debian: http://debian-handbook.info/get/