
Thank you. I have added both qemu and xen to dla-needed now. I did not send
the regular email about xen and qemu update as I remember that Credativ
usually do this kind of update (right?).

In addition, I notice now that when I read deeper I actually read the
information wrong. Now I understand why it is listed.

// Ola

On 21 November 2016 at 23:23, Hugo Lefeuvre <h...@debian.org> wrote:

> Hi Ola,
> > Today I started my first front desk duty. I have got quite far in
> handling
> > this but I think the tools could use some improvements.
> > What I found was that the xen package was reported in this section with a
> > lot of CVEs.
> > Section: "Issues not yet triaged for wheezy, but already fixed in
> jessie:"
> >
> > I checked a few but all of them were fixed already in wheezy. They even
> had
> > a DLA.
> > Do anyone know why this is the case?
> Some weeks ago we discovered that Xen before 4.4.0-1 is embedding a
> copy of QEMU 0.10.2. Xen has version 4.1.4 in wheezy, so it is
> potentially vulnerable to all security issues affecting QEMU in the
> last years (160 CVEs involved).
> I have triaged ~100 of them until now. ~20 are actually affecting Xen.
> Also, some of these CVEs already have a DLA since they've already
> been fixed in qemu/qemu-kvm. However, if you look closely, they are
> still affecting Xen.
> Cheers,
>  Hugo
> --
>              Hugo Lefeuvre (hle)    |    www.owl.eu.com
> 4096/ ACB7 B67F 197F 9B32 1533 431C AC90 AC3E C524 065E

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