On Thu, Sep 15, 2016 at 06:22:14AM -0700, Lars Tangvald wrote:
> Hi,
> Yes, sorry I didn't communicate what I was doing. I've built and tested the 
> package I uploaded to git, for both Wheezy and Jessie, but I think that's as 
> far as I can take it.
> When I've done work on the security updates before, at this stage I've simply 
> sent a debdiff over to the security team.
> So if you're able to take it from here that's great :)

That sounds fine to me.  Feel free to send the debdiff.  I will review
it, build and sign the package, then upload it and release an advisory
for wheezy based on the one the security team already released for



Roberto C. Sánchez

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