Hi Magnus

You are of course welcome to improve the language in the changelog. :-)
I should probably have put quite marks to clarify the language, that the
text after the CVE number is a part of the CVE name.

Like this:
Protect against potential timing attacks against exponentiation operations
as described in "CVE-2016-6489 RSA code is vulnerable to cache sharing
related attacks."

Regarding the upload. I'm not involved with the stable security team. Let
me know when you have a build that I can check and upload. A debdiff and a
statement what kind of tests you have performed are very good to have too,
so we all have a possibility to check the change.

Thanks in advance

// Ola

On Fri, Aug 5, 2016 at 11:28 PM, Magnus Holmgren <holmg...@debian.org>

> fredagen den 5 augusti 2016 22.16.29 skrev  Ola Lundqvist:
> > Hi Magnus and LTS team
> >
> > Magnus, Niels and I have been discussing the nettle update due to
> > https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/CVE-2016-6489
> >
> > Magnus has started to prepare a wheezy update but had a few
> > questions. Here are some information that you should know about.
> > https://wiki.debian.org/LTS/Development
> >
> > One question from Magnus was what should be mentioned in the changelog.
> > I suggest something like this:
> > "Protect against potential timing attacks against exponentiation
> operations
> > as described in CVE-2016-6489 RSA code is vulnerable to cache sharing
> > related attacks."
> Hmm, that sounds like two sentences in one...
> > Magnus, please let me know if you want to upload the correction too and
> > whether you want to issue the DLA or whether you want me to do that. We
> > want to time the DLA and the upload so they are close to each other in
> time.
> I think you can do that. But I should coordinate with the stable security
> team
> too. I suppose you're not involved with that?
> > Magnus, if you decide to build the package for upload, please make sure
> to
> > use the -sa option as wheezy-security need to know about the orig tar
> file.
> > If not the package upload will be rejected.
> OK, thanks.
> --
> Magnus Holmgren        holmg...@debian.org
> Debian Developer

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