On 07/20/2016 05:55 PM, intrigeri wrote:
> Hi Lucas,
> Lucas Kanashiro wrote (20 Jul 2016 20:47:20 GMT) :
>> the Debian LTS team would like to fix the security issues which are
>> currently open in the Wheezy version of mat:
>> https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/TEMP-0826101-4D75EC
> Thank you for caring!
> I'm not aware of any fix being available for that issue yet,
> and AFAIK it's still present in stable, testing and sid.
> So I don't understand what can be done about it for Wheezy at
> the moment.
> Did I miss anything?

You are right, the fix will be available in the next upstream release.
I'll document it in dla-needed.txt


Lucas Kanashiro
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