On Mon, 02 May 2016, Ansgar Burchardt wrote:
> > Send them first only to debian-lts-changes@ as it might be that the
> > tracker gets them that way too.
> Now I already set both mail addresses. Should I change that to only
> debian-lts-changes@?
> Note that security.d.o doesn't sent mail to <source>@packages.qa.d.o.

Let's see how it behaves first. After further thinking, I believe it
should be good.  The new tracker does not follow debian-lts-changes AFAIK,
only the old one does for the news feed displayed on the package page.

> > (That said dak needs a general cleanup to send mail to the new tracker
> > directly and stop relying on @packages.qa.debian.org, as nobody did
> > anything in response to
> > https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2015/12/msg00001.html)
> Should I just add dispatch@tracker.d.o to all suites where we sent out
> announcement mails for?
> And in that case stop sending mail to <source>@packages.qa.d.o?
> And it looks like we also sometimes send mail to
> <package>@packages.d.o.  So many different choices :)

Yes, I would like to simplify all this... and to some extent, I already
put the required infrastructure in place for it.

The package tracker needs a single copy of the mail arriving to dispatch@
but that copy can come from:
- a mail to <package|source>@packages.d.o
- a direct mail to dispatch@tracker.d.o
- a mail to <source>@packages.qa.debian.org (kept working for now until
  all services migrated)

So basically the rules are: when you send a mail to @packages.d.o, you
don't need to send a copy to dispatch@tracker.d.o. For all other (public)
mails, you should send a copy to dispatch@tracker.d.o. And you should no
longer send anything to @packages.qa.d.o.

Ideally, we would always use @packages.d.o as the single contact point.
(Except that it does not work very well for new packages as the list of
alias on that service is static. So in the long term I would like the
tracker to handle that email service directly.)

Raphaël Hertzog ◈ Debian Developer

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