Am 28.01.2016 um 17:22 schrieb Moritz Muehlenhoff:
> On Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 05:24:13AM +0100, Thijs Kinkhorst wrote:
>> On Tue, January 19, 2016 17:56, Santiago Ruano Rincón wrote:
>>> Moreover, squeeze lts has been advertised to end next February, the 6th
>>> to be precise. At the same time, the security team would support wheezy
>>> until April 26th 2016, which is the Jessie release date + 1 year. What
>>> do you think if the Squeeze lts team extends Squeeze's life until the
>>> end of April, to cut at the wheezy-lts starting period?
>>> Would the security team prefer the lts team focus more on fixing issues
>>> currently open in wheezy, but already fixed in squeeze?
>> I can't imagine objections that the security team would have against
>> extending the support until 26 April, and indeed it makes sense to align
>> it with the end of Wheezy support.
>> As to whether you spend your time on remaining squeeze or ramp-up to
>> wheezy or both, that is primarily the LTS team's own decision to make, of
>> course in consultation with the sponsors, as they probably have ideas of
>> what service they wish to invest in.
> Personally I think it rather makes sense to stick with end of February as
> advertised. People will have planned for this and you should better use 
> the 1.5 months of transitions months to work on 
> a) improving the infrastructure (like the archive/dak changes mentioned during
>    the BoF at DebConf)
> b) working on some updates for wheezy. There are still a _lot_ of 
> uncertainties
>    in the scope of packages to be supported in Wheezy LTS in the area of
>    virtualisation, libav and Java.

I would also end the support for Squeeze in February as planned and
focus on the transition to wheezy-lts by improving the infrastructure or
fixing open security issues in wheezy.

>    Those will only be eliminated by actually
>    getting spending time on researching things in more depth. Examples:
>    - If you keep openjdk-6, figure out how to upgrade to new icedtea releases
>      (as currently done by doko, but he'll stop once Ubuntu 12.04 is EOLed)
>      Otherwise figure out the changes you need to make to only support 
> openjdk-7

In my opinion OpenJDK 7 should be an adequate replacement for OpenJDK 6
and I can't think of any serious regressions since all Java packages
have proven to work with both JDKs. Why not strongly recommend to LTS
users to switch to OpenJDK 7 but give them some time to do so and then
phase out OpenJDK 6 support at the end of 2016?



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