I suppose this link helps a bit, but not easy to apply for unexperienced users:


El 24/9/23 a les 20:18, Narcis Garcia ha escrit:
Thank you for testing, Roland.

Same as other GNU distributions do, keyboard layouts can be associated to most languages. Example: If user selects Spanish language, probably uses Spanish keyboard. Same for Catalan and many others than can be associated by default.

The problem of GNOME welcome screen is to be launched once user desktop shell is running, but it should be executed just after display manager (GDM) has selected user account and before desktop environment (Gnome): Same as other GNU distros do.


El 24/9/23 a les 13:27, Roland Clobus ha escrit:
Hello Narcis,

I've done a few experiments now, based on the Bookworm GNOME image.

* In the bookworm images, the boot menu options are not present, because the live images are generated with a different tool, which generates the boot menu differently * Such boot menu could be added again, but (as mentioned in other mails) the keyboard selection should be added as well, which is not trivial (that's why it wasn't prevent in the buster live images) * I've done an experiment with 'locales-all'. This shows many languages in the GNOME welcome screen, however the language after the welcome screen closes is still English (I've tried French with azerty keyboard) and the French keyboard is the second keyboard in the list * If I manually add two options in the boot menu, as listed in [1] (locales=fr_FR.UTF-8 keyboard-layouts=fr), I get a correct configuration with language and keyboard setting * If additionally 'locales-all' is available, and in the welcome screen I select English + US keyboard, the language stays French, and the US keyboard layout is added as a second keyboard layout * In GNOME settings, a logout+relogin is required for the updated language to become activated (which isn't triggered by the welcome screen)
* Note: the welcome screen is only shown in the GNOME live image

So in summary the current state is:
* Language and keyboard selection can still be made, but require manual changes in the boot menu. The GNOME welcome screen will ask 2 superfluous questions -> not very user-friendly * The language selection can be added again in the boot menu, but without keyboard selection -> better, but still not good enough * The language selection in the GNOME welcome screen consists of one entry, even though many languages are available -> looks silly * If 'locales-all' is added, the language and keyboard selection can be made in the GNOME welcome screen, but it requires a logout + login before it is active. I have not measured the required increase in size -> not very intuitive

I would prefer to have some mirroring of the questions in the debian-installer (in the boot menu), but that requires some non-trivial work.

With kind regards,
Roland Clobus

[1] https://live-team.pages.debian.net/live-manual/html/live-manual/customizing-run-time-behaviours.en.html#539

On 22/06/2023 10:36, Narcis Garcia wrote:
Thank you Roland; I report now a comparison:

I've tested:
1. At boot menu y choose: Localisation support -> Spanish
2. This causes "welcome screen" to be fully in spanish and be able to select Español.
3. [Next] at Welcome screen: I can select spanish keyboard
(and I can select in a large list anyway) <- bookworm too
4. Help pages (automatically launched) appear in spanish.
5. Gnome GUI appears in spanish
6. LibreOffice & M.Firefox localize documents language to spanish
7. At Gnome's Settings I can go to Region&Language to change (again) keyboard layout to any other, and REMOVE english-US. <- bookworm too
* Can't switch language (neither english too) from Gnome's Settings.

What if I test Bullseye in a minor language?
Tried in Catalan:
- Welcome screen: Translated to catalan
- English keyboard: Removable at Gnome's settings too.
- Shell and Applications: Localized

Bullseye's Live build (gnome-amd64) results in a 3,552 MiB ISO image
Bookworm's Live build (gnome-amd64) results in a 3,401 MiB ISO image

I think there is room to restore localisation support, either to boot menu and/or to Gnome's welcome wizard.

El 21/6/23 a les 22:46, Roland Clobus ha escrit:
Hello Narcis,

On 15/06/2023 10:15, Narcis Garcia wrote:
Hello, Gnome variant of Debian 12 Live does not allow to change localization/language through GUI tools.
It seems to be English (US) as the only language in the world.

The Debian live images are prepared for many languages, but there is no automated test that tests for them, therefore this scenario was not evaluated.

 > Even boot begins GUI with a wizard, which first page is to select which  > language is preferred by user: English (US) is the only option of this
 > nonsense dialog.
 > "So huge" is the list, that it offers a search box.

If you want, you could report a bug against the gnome package for the welcome screen (I haven't looked up the name).

Adding more languages more visibly, is on the to-do list.

With kind regards,
Roland Clobus


Narcis Garcia

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