
I would like to have the following menu entries:

*B*oot System
Boot System with *P*ersistence
Boot System (*F*ailsafe)
*I*nstall System

By default the menu has 2 sub menu entries for the install which I do not
want. I just want the Install System to point to the normal installation
using GUI.

I have copied all the contents of the bootloaders directory from
/usr/share/live/build into my config directory. I have also changed the
first 3 entries from the syslinux_common file. However there seem to be
files for the installer: install_gui and install_start_gui. What is the
difference between the 2? I understand that the "start" file is the main
menu and the other is the sub menu... but I cannot see how one is linked to
the other?

How can I avoid sub menus then?

Also, I can find no entries for the grub menus and in fact if I boot the
ISO in EFI mode from VirtualBox, I get the default grub entries and not my
modified menu. If I boot normally without EFI, the menu changes.

Sorry for writing long but I have been trying to accomplish this for 2 days
now. Any suggestions please?

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