- the "cause" of failure of sisu and hence live-manual to produce pdf
output is that sisu's latex output is out of date and needs
- I am on it and am making headway :-)
- changes have not yet been uploaded upstream, I will report when they are.

The longer story :-)

I thought it time to post an update since I am looking at this, though
I have been procrastinating :-(

A week ago I was back on a my old debian box, forgotten password reset
and dist-updated.

My assumption as to where the fault was likely to lie proved
incorrect, 2 or three .sty files had moved, but they were all
installed by sisu-pdf or sisu-complete and available on the system.

So, ... minor surprise, Debian (testing/unstable at least) is using a
newer version of texlive (2023) than NixOS (texlive 2022-final) and
somewhere therein lies the problem, of the issue not having come up
for me.

sisu.spine the not-shared D lang version of sisu in its rewrite has
more recently "developed" latex output and, though not developed or
tested previously on texlive 2023 is not afflicted to the same extent
as sisu.ruby that we fixing here. This meant, I had something to look
at and could no minor (very incomplete) backporting for output and
make headway in solving the sisu-pdf issue reported for live-manual
pdf output.

In short, progress has been made, I do have some output.

Current status, though checking will be necessary, I do have portrait
pdf output for languages other than Chinese, Japanese, Korean (are
made to work in an updated way on sisu.spine.d i.e. not using CJK.sty
whatever that sty that is claimed to be obsolete is called... have not
looked at yet, but should be doable). For landscape pdf output, I
expect the effort to be relatively minor, just it all takes a bit of
time (especially with a procrastinator, I am plodding towards getting
it done though).

I will report again when I have got further or better yet, when I
upload a first set of changes to

This bug, should be cross-assigned to sisu.

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