On 31/07/2023 06:43, Kelvin Lee wrote:
During the installation, I was prompted to enter a superuser password and I 
skipped this step. I know then the first user I created will have administrator 
privileges by using the sudo command

However, when I tried running any commands with sudo after the installation. It 
prompts me,
- bash: sudo: command not found

I double-checked my user account's groups using groups. I could see the account 
indeed belongs to the sudo group.
I hit the exact same problem a few days ago doing a bookworm test live-build, and the 
problem was that the package "sudo" was not installed. It doesn't seem to be 
included in the default applications list for a basic CLI system.

Try adding sudo to a custom file my.list.chroot in config/package-lists, along 
with any other extra packages you might need.
One short-cut to put in such a file is:

! Packages Priority standard

That will add all the packages with "standard" priority, which includes sudo.


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