John wrote:
>On 12/02/2022 11:02, Steve McIntyre wrote:
>> Roland Clobus wrote:
>>> The Debian installer installs from scratch, you can select any desktop
>>> environment and other settings, even though they are not present on the
>>> live image.
>>> Calamares installs a copy of the live environment on your hard disk, and
>>> removed the live part afterwards. That's why there are so few questions
>>> asked.
>>> So depending on the installer part, you might end up with totally
>>> different Debian installations.
>> Sorry, but you're wrong here. The version of d-i that runs on a live
>> image *also* installs the exact content of the live image. It runs
>> through the normal process of user creation, partitioning, etc. but
>> then instead of installing the base system and running tasksel it
>> simply unpacks the squashfs onto the new system - see the
>> live-installer package if you're not sure.
>> If the d-i on the live image tried to install packages nowrmally, we'd
>> end up having to include a lot of extra .debs into the build to
>> support that.
>Live-build config offers the option --debian-installer with choices of 
>. Of these I have only used "live", but wouldn't the other choices result in 
>an iso that did download and install
>packages in the normal d-i way?

Oh wow, I wasn't aware of the options here. (Apologies Roland!)

To the best of my knowledge we've never used anything but the live
installer version for official live images. Using any of the other
options doesn't seem like a good choice to me; I certainly wouldn't
recommend it.

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                      
"We're the technical experts.  We were hired so that management could
 ignore our recommendations and tell us how to do our jobs."  -- Mike Andrews

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