Please, copy here the complete name of ISO image file you flashed to USB stick.

Narcis Garcia

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El 11/2/22 a les 2:54, Flacusbigotis ha escrit:
I have followed Debian's instructions ( <>) for creating a bootable USB stick but it fails to boot on my UEFI-only laptop, that is the USB stick is not recognized at all.  In contrast, I am able to create the same for Knoppix 9.1 following their instructions (ie. using flash-knoppix) and it boots just fine.

Some folks on the debian-user mailing list helped a bit with some ideas and think that the issue *could* be due to the architecture of the EFI program that is (or is not) included in the EFI boot folder of the resulting USB stick.

Checking on that idea, I see that the resulting Debian USB stick I have only has a 32-bit EFI program in its boot folder.  Should there also be a 64-bit version there?  FYI, in contrast, the knoppix USB stick has both 32-bit and 64-bit programs.

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