Package: live-build Version: 1:20210407 Severity: important Combining package customisation in packages.chroot and the '--apt-indices false' option result in no image being generated, (though a successful exit status). Using either on it's own works just fine.
Steps to reproduce (assuming some local packages in ~/ to use): cd live-build/examples/ mkdir -p config/packages.chroot/ && cp ~/*.deb config/packages.chroot/ sudo bash -c "auto/config --apt-indices false" sudo bash -c "auto/build --verbose --debug" The problem appears to be: [2021-09-24 11:11:26] lb chroot_apt install P: Configuring file /etc/apt/apt.conf [2021-09-24 11:11:26] lb chroot_archives binary install P: Configuring file /etc/apt/sources.list Reading package lists... Building dependency tree... Reading state information... E: Unable to locate package squashfs-tools E: An unexpected failure occurred, exiting... P: Begin unmounting filesystems... P: Saving caches... which appears to in chroot_archives here: Refs: