Hi, I tried to boot DebianLive from my NTFS USB-Stick, which failed. The kernel was unable to find the filesystem. Perhaps due missing NTFS support?
Here is my boot config in Grub4DOS: > title debian-live-10.7.0-amd64-lxde.iso > find --set-root /debian-live-10.7.0-amd64-lxde.iso > map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 /debian-live-10.7.0-amd64-lxde.iso (0xff) || map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 --mem /debian-live-10.7.0-amd64-lxde.iso (0xff) > map --hook > root (0xff) > kernel /live/vmlinuz-4.19.0-13-amd64 debug findiso=/debian-live-10.7.0-amd64-lxde.iso boot=live edd=off components locales=de_DE.UTF-8 > initrd /live/initrd.img-4.19.0-13-amd64 > Attached is the debug-log. I removed the log, since my mail didn't show in the list with attachment. Other debian-based distributions like GPartedLive or Knoppix boot without problems from NTFS. Possible related: https://lists.debian.org/debian-live/2020/08/msg00038.html Kind regards Tom