Thanks for the followup reply.

--sent from OnePlus device--

On Thu, 30 Apr, 2020, 6:23 PM , <> wrote:

> @Harshad & @Michael, I did not mean to disappear from the conversation,
> sorry, I started working on some loosely related config stuff I had not
> planned on doing yet, leading up to testing your situation so I could craft
> a fix, and while doing so the internet connection went down for a long
> while. I've been getting around to responding since it was restored but
> been a little busy.
> I've spent some time investigating, however beyond the known and by-design
> "stale value" problem that I previously described, I do not see anything
> new to fix.
> The build using stretch instead of buster when you've done `lb config`
> followed by `lb config --distribution buster` with the version of
> live-build you are using which has stretch as the default, is to be
> expected based upon how "updating"/"modifying" the config works (blocking
> automatic determination of option values from other option values). On the
> first run LB_DISTRIBUTION defaults to "stretch" because you did not use
> "--distribution", and because you did not specify "--parent-distribution",
> LB_PARENT_DISTRIBUTION copies LB_DISTRIBUTION. Then when trying to modify
> LB_DISTRIBUTION to "buster" in the second run, only that option gets
> actually being used over LB_DISTRIBUTION (in some places at least) for a
> debian image, "stretch" thus gets used from that option rather than
> "buster" from the other, and thus apt is using stretch.
> This "stale value" behaviour is documented in the `lb config` man page.
> I ended up going off in a direction of thinking that some permission issue
> was occurring without a warning being shown, which was very confusing, such
> that the files were not being modified, but I think now that this must have
> been just confusion, since I can find no such issue with modifying the
> config files, and the output in the screenshots provided give supporting
> evidence to suggest strongly that they were being written fine.
> The problem could have been resolved either by using
> `--parent-distribution buster`, or deleting the config files before running
> `lb config --distribution buster`, which I thought had been tried and had
> not worked, but a mistake must have been made I guess as it should have
> worked as long as you have the right permissions.
> Things may improve on the "stale value" front soon. One part of the config
> work I mentioned that I did yesterday involved creating a new
> `--ignore-saved` option for `lb config` which causes it to ignore any
> existing config, thus operating in a "replace" mode rather than "modify"
> mode, requiring you to specify all customised options along with it, but
> because the existing saved values are ignored, prevents stale values
> causing issues like this. I have submitted this enhancement for
> consideration for the next release.
> I have an idea of how the "stale value" issue could be addressed even
> better, but no firm clear idea on how to achieve it in a nice way, so it
> might not happen.
> I see no valid basis that advice should be to always run `lb config` with
> elevated privileges, you just need to be consistent about whether you do or
> do not.
> Anyway, I'm glad you got it working in the end.
> Regards,
> Lyndon
> On Tue, 2020-04-28 at 12:13 +0530, Harshad Joshi wrote:
> Yes. I initially executed everything under sudo
> Didn't work so I had to switch to actual root.
> --sent from OnePlus device--
> Didn't work so I had to switch to actual root.
> --sent from OnePlus device--
> On Tue, 28 Apr, 2020, 11:48 AM , <> wrote:
> Sorry, to be more clear, by root I wasn't referring to actual root, but
> use of sudo, as in I expected that you must have run `sudo lb config...` to
> initially create the config instead of just `lb config...`, but dropped the
> `sudo` on trying to modify it, which then failed. `lb config` does not
> require `sudo`, unlike the other commands. So yeah, if you'd created it
> initially with sudo, I can understand it requiring sudo to then make
> adjustments. But no error appearing in a situation of having originally
> used `sudo` and then trying to modify without is very much not ideal.
> On Tue, 2020-04-28 at 16:28 +1000, Michael . wrote:
> > I wasn't going to post but this is a "problem" that has been
> > occurring
> > for quite a while now and has been brought up in this list before.
> > The
> > best thing to do with all live build commands (i.e. lb clean, lb
> > config, lb build) is to run them as root. Doing this forces live
> > build
> > to run the config you tell it to run and where you tell it to run. If
> > you run lb config as root without having changed directory (e.g. cd
> > home/USERNAME/LiveBuild) it will create the config and build it in
> > the
> > root folder.

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