I have installed PakOS on offline systems and it works. For Calamares, it
failed so I had to install some packages later on, using chroot to enter
ISO. This made the calamares installer useable. There are a lot of
iterations, which I try to document. Since I am one person trying to
maintain this ISO, so I can't do a lot of testing on diverse hardware.
Recently I tested PakOS on an HP laptop, and all installers failed to
install on blank hard disk. But once a portion was present, it installed
So it's a journey. I would request anyone interested in joining me in any
capacity. I am ready to share all code, what so ever humble work I have
Thanks for your interest.


On Thu, Apr 16, 2020, 20:04 adrian15sgd <adrian15...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Nice.
> Finally does it installer fetch the packages from the same iso or does the
> installer need an internet connection to work (e.g. fetches the packages
> from the internet) ?
> Thank you.
> El 16/4/20 a las 17:01, Pak OS escribió:
> it installs on both. And automatically selects kernal based on underlying
> architecture.
> gSM
> On Thu, Apr 16, 2020, 19:59 adrian15sgd <adrian15...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> With such a setup Can you install a 64-bit Debian? Or is it only useful
>> for installing 32-bit Debian?
>> Thank you.
>> El 16/4/20 a las 14:46, Pak OS escribió:
>> Ok, here goes:
>> lb config --binary-images iso-hybrid --mode debian --architectures i386
>> --linux-flavours 686 amd64 --distribution buster --archive-areas "main
>> contrib non-free" --updates true --security true --cache true
>> --apt-recommends true --debian-installer live --debian-installer-gui true
>> --win32-loader true --iso-application PakOS10.3 --iso-preparer
>> subhaniminhas-https://sourceforge.net/projects/pakos/ --iso-publisher
>> subhaniminhas-https://sourceforge.net/projects/pakos/ --iso-volume
>> PakOS10.3
>> Hope this helps
>> PakOS on Debian Derivatives List (
>> https://wiki.debian.org/Derivatives/Census/PakOS)
>> PakOS on LWN as only Pakistan Based Linux Distro (
>> https://static.lwn.net/Distributions/#pakistan)
>> Please vote for PakOS on DistroWatch waiting list at
>> (https://distrowatch.com/dwres-mobile.php?resource=links)
>> On Thu, 16 Apr 2020 at 16:49, Pak OS <gsm.pa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I will be honored. If you need, I can share the whole project you need
>>> on SourceForge. Its actually just 1 switch in lb config. Since I am typing
>>> on my mobile. So can't access my laptop right now. The clue was given on
>>> this very forum.
>>> In case you need any specific functionality in PakOS, please let me
>>> know.
>>> If you like the work I have done and can benefit from it, please click
>>> on the Distrowatch Waiting list Recommend Button against PakOS. I need a
>>> lot of votes to be part of Distro watch list of Distros.
>>> gSM
>>> On Thu, Apr 16, 2020, 08:37 Michael . <keltoi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Subhani
>>>> I just had a look at Pak OS, nice project, and I have 1 question for
>>>> you that may help many others who use live build. How did you create
>>>> an iso image with both 32 and 64 bit architectures using live build?
>>>> If you would share your knowledge with teh live community I am sure
>>>> many would be extremely grateful.
>>>> Regards.
>>>> Michael.
>>>> On 16/04/2020, Pak OS <gsm.pa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> > I am maintaining a multi Arch live image with Calamares Installer and
>>>> > debian installer at source forge.
>>>> > Please search for PakOS on Google, it should be 1st result. Go to my
>>>> source
>>>> > forge page. It's a large one. 3.3 GB. A lot of software.
>>>> > Pl see if it suits you. I am available for any help.
>>>> >
>>>> > https://sourceforge.net/projects/pakos/files/Main/
>>>> >
>>>> > gSM
>>>> >
>> --
>> Regards
>> gSm
>> https://sourceforge.net/projects/pakos/
>> https://distrowatch.com/dwres.php?resource=links#new
>> https://lwn.net/Distributions/#pakistan
>> https://wiki.debian.org/Derivatives/Census/PakOS

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