On Tue, 2020-03-10 at 15:38 +0000, jnq...@gmail.com wrote:
> another todo list item of mine that I have not gotten around to yet,
> that perhaps someone could find time to assist with is that I've
> encountered the following error with generation of the source disc:
> ```
> E: Unable to find a source package for syslinux,grub-efi
> dpkg-query: no packages found matching syslinux,grub-efi
> ```
> note that I'm using git master and various local branches built on
> that; I do not yet know whether or not this occurs with the latest
> released version (haven't found time to check yet).
> obviously it seems to be treating "syslinux,grub-efi" as a single
> package name which is wrong. this string originates from
> the code that should be handling this in source_debian looks to be
> the
> following:
> ```
> echo "${LB_BOOTLOADERS}" | \
> while IFS="," read -r BOOTLOADER
> do
>       echo "${BOOTLOADER}" >> source-selection.txt
> done
> ```
> which is correctly specifying a comma as the separator, so if this is
> where the problem originates, I don't know why...

there is definitely something wrong here, and it seems also in similar
code in binary_hdd...

echo "${LB_BOOTLOADERS}" | while IFS="," read -r BOOTLOADER; do
        echo "bootloader: ${BOOTLOADER}"
this code always fails to split the comma separated string...

i don't know why it will not work, but i've got an alternate to replace
it with in the form:

for BOOTLOADER in $(echo "${LB_BOOTLOADERS}" | tr "," "\n"); do
        echo "bootloader: ${BOOTLOADER}"

MR to follow

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