Have a squeeze.list file with the appropriate entries for Squeeze in
the sources.list.d folder.
In your preferences file have an entry that puts the Squeeze version
of the package you want with a priority of 600. An the same file put
an entry for the Bullseye/Sid version(s) of the package with a
priority of -1.

On 02/03/2020, 0...@caiway.net <0...@caiway.net> wrote:
> Hi!
> I want to make a live image containing programs from multiple
> distributions.
> What woud be the proper way to achieve this?
> The reason: The program from the older distro squeeze is better,
> but bullseye/sid have better graphics
> Combining two distributions is what I want.
> Feel free to ask more specific questions!
> Thanks!

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