El dom., 19 de may. de 2019 a la(s) 04:34, Roland Clobus (rclo...@rclobus.nl) escribió:
> Hello PICCORO .... > Thanks for response, but as you said: > From what I see in the command the you provided, you also attempt to > bring in packages from other sources. Does any of those packages perhaps > explicitly depend on exim4 instead of on mail-transport-agent? That > would explain why exim4 will get pulled in as well. > I'm afraid are the problem.. due i installed a complete LAMP environment with lighttpd > > In order to be fully able to reproduce your case, I think we will need > your config directory, because the command that you provided is not > sufficient for reproducing the case. > not so much.. just i added to the config one 3 extra file, a list package with : php5-mysql php5-gd php5-intl php5-odbc php5-mcrypt php5-curl php5-xsl php5-xmlrpc apache2 libapache2-mod-php5 php-pear mariadb-server mariadb-client percona-xtrabackup git git-core sqlite3 firefox-esr flashplayer-mozilla xul-ext-adblock-plus courier-mta minetest mupen64plus geany* a apt preferences: cat > config/apt/apt.conf << EOFAcquire::Check-Valid-Until "0";APT::Get::AllowUnauthenticated "1";APT::Install-Recommends "0";APT::Install-Suggests "0";EOF # The following are due the bug #844749 <844...@bugs.debian.org> using jessie cat > config/archives/debian.pref.chroot << EOFPackage: *Pin: release n=$(lsb_release -sc)-backportsPin-Priority: 500Package: *Pin: release n=$(lsb_release -sc)Pin-Priority: 500Package: linux-image-* linux-header* linux-compiler-gcc-4.9* Pin: release n=$(lsb_release -sc)Pin-Priority: 1003Package: libsystemd* systemd* libnss-resolve libpam-systemd udev libudev* libnss-mymachines libnss-myhostnamePin: release n=$(lsb_release -sc)Pin-Priority: 1003EOFcat > config/archives/debian.pref.binary << EOFPackage: *Pin: release n=$(lsb_release -sc)-backportsPin-Priority: 500Package: *Pin: release n=$(lsb_release -sc)Pin-Priority: 500EOF and a "x" whatever files inside config/includes.chroot/var/lib/www/html such like "index.html" by example .. here mi config parameters complete: --clean \ --mode debian \ --linux-flavours "586 686-pae" \ --linux-packages "linux-image-3.16.0-8 linux-headers-3.16.0-8" \ --firmware-chroot true --firmware-binary true \ --source false \ --system live \ --interactive shell \ --distribution jessie \ --debian-installer live \ --debian-installer-gui true \ --architecture i386 \ --archive-areas "main contrib non-free" \ --security true --updates false --backports false \ --mirror-bootstrap "http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/" \ --mirror-binary "http://archive.debian.org/debian/" \ --mirror-binary-security "http://security.debian.org/debian-security" \ --mirror-chroot "http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/" \ --mirror-chroot-security "http://security.debian.org/debian-security" \ --parent-mirror-bootstrap "http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/" \ --parent-mirror-chroot "http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/" \ --parent-mirror-chroot-security "http://security.debian.org/debian-security" \ --parent-mirror-binary "http://archive.debian.org/debian" \ --debootstrap-options "--include=apt-transport-https,ca-certificates,openssl,courier-mta --exclude=exim4,exim4-config,exim4-base,exim4-daemon-heavy,exim4-daemon-light" \ --apt-recommends false --apt-secure false --apt-source-archives false \ --apt-options "--yes --force-yes -oAcquire::Check-Valid-Until=false --allow-unauthenticated" \ --checksums none \ --iso-publisher "Debian VenenuX; vegn...@gmail.com; http://vegnuli.sourceforge.io" \ --iso-application "Debian VenenuX jessie live" \ --iso-volume "Debian VenenuX jessie live i386" \ --binary-images iso-hybrid \ --memtest memtest86+ \ --win32-loader false \ --verbose \ --bootappend-live " boot=live config components autologin xautologin nouveau.modeset=0 radeon.modeset=0 " \ --bootappend-live-failsafe "boot=live components noapic noapm nodma nomce nolapic nomodeset nosmp nosplash vga=normal fbcon=rotate:1 acpi_enforce_reources=lax pci=noacpi,assign-busses reboot=cold,hard " \ --bootappend-install "nomce nomodeset nosplash acpi_enforce_reources=lax pci=noacpi,assign-busses noapic idle=pool reboot=cold,hard" \ Take in consideration to that config works you must setup very granulated the mirrors due the script respect debootstrp will install older version of linux-image (486) not available if recent repositories have merged some updates (such like recent update security for kernels) due will install two flavours od kernels and lasted steps in binary stage will fails due duplicates vmlinuz files > With kind regards, > Roland Clobus > Working on updating the manuals of the live-team > >