On 15.01.19 14:35, Stefan Baur wrote:
> Am 15.01.19 um 15:19 schrieb Fernando Toledo:
>> check the shell in /etc/passwd , but i think that must be /bin/bash
>> also /etc/default/useradd have SHELL=/bin/sh
> Bzzt, wrong.
> That is the individual user's shell setting.  I'm looking for a way to
> change the system shell setting.  In other words, the destination of the
> symlink /bin/sh.  It points to /bin/dash by default, but with my changes
> to the preseed file, it *should* point to /bin/bash.  However, this
> isn't happening in debian-live - only when I do the same in a regular,
> installed system, it works.
> So the question remains: Which step am I missing for debian-live?
> -Stefan

I suppose dash is installed (and therefore dpkg-configure'd) after the
preseed file gets applied in the build root. Try executing

dpkg-reconfigure --frontend noninteractive dash

from a chroot hook.


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