Hi there, I was just reading your post at http://blogmarks.net/marks/tag/delnyc and sent it to my boss. He also liked it! He literally walked down the hall this morning and said, "find me something like this to start every Thursday!"
The reason I'm writing is to both as a compliment but also see if you would like my boss Jacob to be a guest contributor. He has written for Neil Patel, Success Magazine, Conversion Sciences, HubSpot, ConversionXL, Huffington Post, eConsultancy, UpWork, and many other sites. He does a lot of writing as a business consultant and marketing expert. He is very adept in those two industries and would love to share tips he has learned along the way helping hundreds of businesses. Let me know what you think! Thank you, MonicaReply with "UNSUBSCRIBE" in the subject line and I will add you to my blacklist. Consulting.com Inc, East 48th Street, Level 22, New York NY, 10017, United States