Am 15.12.18 um 18:26 schrieb sound off:

> Where is the $ cmmd line?
> How do I use $ cmmd line?  to input cmmd ?

You can press Ctrl+Alt+F1 to F6 to reach 6 different text consoles.  You
can return to the GUI, if one is running, by pressing Alt+F7.

Where to find a shell in the GUI depends on which GUI you are running -
XFCe, LXDE, Gnome, ... - so no one will be able to tell you unless you
tell uns exactly which debian live image you downloaded (there are
several to choose from), or at least which GUI you are trying to use.

> Menu input to  ls cmmd, 
> it will not react
> Menu ignored it.

No idea what you mean with that.

> +++
> and,
> Su command needs root password,
> isn't it ?

That is why you have been advised to use "sudo", not "su".

If sudo prompts you for a password at all (in case of the standard
Debian Live configuration, it should not), it will prompt you for the
password of the user you are logged in with (again, for the Debian Live
standard, the user is "user", and its password is "live"), NOT the root


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