I just came across the Blogmarks.net piece, "Public marks with tag rsi." Nice job! As a heads up, you linked to the article "Troubles musculo-squelettiques (Repetitive Strain Injury)" on Climbtothestars.org which is not WC3 accessible for people with serious physical disabilities. Websites like Climbtothestars.org can't be accessibility compliant without sacrificing design, interactivity and general user experience for visitors without disabilities. Accessibility website development and design is my specialty. 12.6% of Americans have a serious disability: We need accessible website resources on key disability-related topics. I created a new website, Dopa, all about handwriting in an age of machines. My comprehensive article about repetitive strain injury has the needed accessibility html/code and design elements. Would you mention the piece on the Blogmarks.net page as a resource for those that rely on web accessibility? The URL is: https://dopasolution.com/repetitive-strain-injury/ Best wishes, Tina Richardson __ @tinarichardson Accessible Web | Dopa