
this is a live-wrapper spin-off of a thread on debian-cd about options
used in the various Debian ISOs.

I compared the -as mkisofs options of ./.disk/mkisofs in
and the live-wrapper commands of ./.disk/mkisofs in

Missing in live-wrapper and effectively present in debian-cd netinst
are these commands

  -joliet on
  -compliance joliet_long_paths:joliet_long_names

  -find / -exec mkisofs_r --

The commands -joliet and -compliance may be put at any place in the
command sequence. They are equivalent to -as mkisofs options -J -joliet-long.

Command -find has to be placed after all -map commands, because it shall
apply the effect of -as mkisofs option -r to the readily composed file
  user id and group id become 0, all r-permissions get granted,
  all w denied. If there is any x-permission, then all three x
  get granted. s- and t-bits get removed.

The -chmod 755 command of live-wrapper will grant w-permission for the
ISO's root directory, if i am not mistaken. If this is desired, then
the -find command should happen before the -chmod.


The comparison was mainly made by output of xorriso command -status.

The settings of debian-cd netinst ISO were obtained in native command
format by giving them to the emulator command, ending it by "--",
and performing command -status "short":

  $ xorriso -as mkisofs -o /dev/null -r -J -J -joliet-long -cache-inodes -- 
-status short -rollback_end

(-o /dev/null and -rollback_end are just to prevent any binary output
 to terminal, in case some argument is interpreted as input file path.)

The plain default settings as used with live-wrapper were obtained by

  $ xorriso -status short

(This depends of course on possibly existing startup files with xorriso
 commands. I assume that Debian ISO production has none of them.)

The -find command is not reported that way, because it is not a setting
in native xorriso command language but rather an action.

Have a nice day :)


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