There were days, about a year ago, when I could write in auto/config:

--architectures 'i386'
--linux-flavours 'amd64 686-pae'

And this made me happy because I could generate an image that ran
natively on both 32 and 64-bit processors (every now and then I run
into a 32-bit processor I want to run this live CD on). However, now
when I run lb build, I eventually get the error message:

Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "linux-image-amd64"

Which, I think, makes sense because it's looking for the amd64 kernel
package in the i386 architecture but it obviously doesn't exist.

I'm pretty sure that it's still possible to build multi-arch live CDs
because this page exists: .
Unfortunately, I can't find where in the auto/config file is
hiding to copy its settings.

Therefore, I'd like guidance on either:
1) How to build a multiarch live CD (specifically, that runs natively
on 32 and 64-bit processors); or
2) Where to find the auto/config and config files for the
multi-arch/iso-cd file so I can learn how it accomplishes this feat,
if it does at all.

With thanks,

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