Hi Lou

The Live Manual (that is a live-build, not live-wrapper, package) wasn't
written for official stretch based releases. The reason for this is
official stretch live releases are built with live-wrapper not live-build.
I, personally, believe the "live manual" should be re-written and note the
differences between the 2 build systems. Last time I looked the official
documentation for live-wrapper was extremely minimal so it could certainly
do with some work and, in order to stop alot of what I see as confusion
because people keep talking about current debian live as though it is
live-build based and not live-wrapper based, including both systems in it
would be very helpful.


On 3 November 2017 at 07:14, Lou Poppler <loupopp...@cableone.net> wrote:

> I would like to point out 2 small corrections to the debian-live manual
> http://debian-live.alioth.debian.org/live-manual/stable/
> manual/html/live-manual.en.html
> At this point I am far from able to create and commit changes myself,
> so I offer them to this list, hoping someone else might propagate them.
> In section 4.2 the URL given for older, upcoming, and unofficial live
> images
> http://debian-live.alioth.debian.org/cdimage/release/
> is 404.  I would suggest instead listing this URL:
> https://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/
> In section 4.5.3 the suggestion for adding a partition to extra space at
> the end of a live image USB stick says to use parted or Gparted.
> For the current live images, with a xorisso-style partition layout,
> (for example the file debian-live-9.2.0-amd64-kde+nonfree.iso)
> parted (as of 3.2-17) and gparted (as of 0.25.0-1+b1) do not detect
> the first partition, containing the entire .iso, they only notice
> the small 500KB EFI partition 2, embedded inside it.  They see the
> first partition as empty space, and will allow using the space after
> partition 2 in creating a new partition 3.  Thus these programs are
> no longer appropriate in this case.  Regular old fdisk (as of 2.29.2-1)
> works correctly for this; gnome-disks (as of 3.22.1-1) works correctly
> for this.  These 2 would be good suggestions for this section of the
> webpage.  I also checked KDE partitionmanager (as of 3.0.0-1) and it
> does not see the partition 1, and incorrectly offers to include part
> of it in a new partition, like parted on which it is based I think.
> Thanks to anyone who can help update this documentation.

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