hi Andreas.. thanks for u'r work, i'll explain to u about my work.. related
to solve that preciselly:
2017-04-22 8:36 GMT-04:00 Andreas Heinlein <aheinl...@gmx.com>:

debian have many out (very out) to date packages like ejabberd.. and u tell
me about "security" please! theres a issue related to slim, due bad
integrtion with pam and systemd, see it

> It is not the intent of Debian or the Open Source community to make you
> buy new hardware, nobody would benefit from that. Blame the vendor of your
> hardware for not supporting its devices instead. I know that an archive of
> old releases may still be sometimes useful. I once
the vendor its not related here.. due the hardware are working prefectly
i noted some dias ago reportbug (made in pytnhon argg) crashed.. due i
installed the new version from backport.. so i couldn made reports .. i'll
try to report that and the reponse was very unconfortable.... : 859308 see
it! https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=859309#10

my sistem after install sllim (very bad integrate to systemd changes) got
broken due was unnable to connect to internet..  so i report using a
cybercafe.. but the response was very very unconfortable..
https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=859309#10 so please
people who can i report bug if the bug report was broken, and then
networkmananger was broken due bad integration of slim package? please, ...

please remember that it is most likely not Debian's fault that your device
> is no longer supported, so please calm down a bit. Also remember that any
> active system needs maintenance and
i try to do manteniance as its possible for a portio to those people that
not have money, not have hardware and not have resourde to follow
capitalims or resources to buy a new fashion hardware, and mostly when
their current hardware are working prefectly and better than others...

seem many of debian does not understand that world its more bigger rather
their little opensource debian systemd only hole.. its very frustrating try
to help and every door are constant closing...

please try to understand that some only try to use their hardware that are
present.. not buy newer when their present are currently working..

of course i understand that every must evolute.. but too muct evolution
only have one end: extintion.. including the hole space will be a freeze
dark with oscure matter...  so in those cases its better going very very
slow... and it hardware and softwaer still can be used why envolute?
so then if not broken, not update it!

> support. Even if your system works for you, there are millions of old and
> outdated systems out there which are being used as bots for attacking other
> people. Taking care of security is a form of social responsibility, IMHO.

in this behaviour, i try to help many people,..  that's why i very use the
debian archive front page search to my novice aprendice and then once that
learn the next way its the apt-cache way

> had to "revive" and old machine which was left running for 7 (!) years
> completely unmaintained. It had an old Adabas database on it which would
> only run with libc5, and in order to get the data exported I had to install
> some tools into that system. I was lucky that an archive with old software
> existed at that time.
> But, and that is the important point, please also remember that most work
> in the Open Source world is done in free time and free of charge. As
> already said, someone needs to maintain such an archive, and if there is
> noone then there is no archive. No reason to blame someone either.

since sarge, the most interesting people in contribute to debian proyect..
later then goes away from... so maybe its a debian out of the way
principies today?

debian have many out (very out) to date packages like ejabberd.. and u tell
me about "security" please!

in my free time, i'll try to colaborate to help up to date those packages..
but the process to become are very painfully for beginners and also mostly
for those that not have time to so many rules... starting by mentor
removals of work after only some days...

> bye,
> Andreas

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