Yesterday I decided to give Live Build another go since live-wrapper is
unusable and as far as I can tell probably won't be usable when Stretch
enters freeze (feel free to correct me if I am mistaken).

In a brand new folder (named 2017), using Kali Linux version of Live Build
(the one that fixed the major and apparently insurmountable problem of UEFI
booting), all the latest versions for all other live programs (except for
live-wrapper), my old config script (please find attached) which worked
earlier this year with all the same things as before I am unable to get
anything working now. Without the config script I get a 300 MB iso. With
the config script I get

"root@michael-desktop:/home/michael/CobberLive/2017/Mate/amd64# lb clean
[2016-08-31 10:12:16] lb clean
P: Executing auto/clean script.
[2016-08-31 10:12:16] lb clean noauto
P: Cleaning chroot
root@michael-desktop:/home/michael/CobberLive/2017/Mate/amd64# lb config
[2016-08-31 10:12:19] lb config
P: Executing auto/config script.
[2016-08-31 10:12:19] lb config noauto --binary-filesystem fat32
--apt-indices false --bootappend-live boot=live config quiet splash
locales=en_AU en_AU.UTF-8 keyboard-layouts=us --bootappend-install
--bootappend-live-failsafe boot=live components memtest noapic noapm nodma
nomce nolapic nomodeset nosmp nosplash vga=normal --bootloaders syslinux
--checksums md5 sha1 sha256 --compression --zsync true --debian-installer
live --debian-installer-distribution stretch --debian-installer-preseedfile
--debian-installer-gui true
P: Updating config tree for a debian/stretch/amd64 system
P: Symlinking hooks...
./auto/config: 17: ./auto/config: --hdd-label: not found
./auto/config: 28: ./auto/config: --distribution: not found
./auto/config: 38: ./auto/config: --chroot-filesystem: not found
./auto/config: 48: ./auto/config: --apt: not found
./auto/config: 75: ./auto/config: --source: not found
root@michael-desktop:/home/michael/CobberLive/2017/Mate/amd64# "

All of these config settings are in the relevant files so I am unsure as to
why it is saying they are not found.If I take them out of the config more
replace them. Has anyone else seen this happen on a new setup? If yes what
did you do to fix it?


Attachment: config
Description: Binary data

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