And the home page for documentation for Debian Live is a link to, an expired domain.

On Jul 30, 2016 2:56 PM, "Ozi Traveller" <> wrote:

> The manuals are here
> sudo apt-get install live-manual
> They are installed in /usr/share/doc/live-manual
> On Sun, Jul 31, 2016 at 1:28 AM, Tom & Karen Pino <
> > wrote:
>> The package live-manual is also available in the repos for Stable,
>> Testing and Sid with the appropriate manual for each version.
>> Packages available for testing and sid are currently at the same version
>> number.
>> Can't personally say how it works out as I have not used it since
>> Squeeze.
>> On 07/29/2016 11:42 AM, Pablo Brasero Moreno wrote:
>> No worries, I understand. However, for completeness and to avoid
>> misunderstanding, I'll point out that the manual does exist, although not
>> at its original location but at
>> <>
>> In fact your question is answered in section 6.2.
>> But yes, it's unfortunate that this whole sorry episode took place in the
>> first place and left the project in this state. Here's to live-wrapper to
>> take its place sooner than later, so that we can forget it. Some
>> documentation is being produced at the moment, so that's heartening:
>> Thanks to the
>> team working on it.
>> On 29 July 2016 at 18:21, Charles Chambers <> wrote:
>>> Hi, Pablo:
>>> I appreciate the response, but I'm holding out for updated documentation
>>> everyone can find and use.
>>> Charlie
>>> ===========
>>> On Jul 29, 2016 6:28 AM, "Pablo Brasero Moreno" <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Charles, I think I can help you with that:
>>>> On 29 July 2016 at 14:21, Charles Chambers < <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> And I could never find a step by step set of instructions to create a
>>>>> preseeded install medium from a Debian live image that included the 
>>>>> nonfree
>>>>> repository.  Such a medium would have been a restore USB thumb drive for a
>>>>> laptop, to include wifi drivers from which to run the install entirely 
>>>>> from
>>>>> wifi instead of having to use an Ethernet connection.
>>>>> The documentation needs to be available and updated.
>>>>> My $0.02.
>>>>> Charlie
>>>>> ===============
>>>>> On Jul 29, 2016 5:59 AM, "Pablo Brasero Moreno" <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hello Brian,
>>>>>> *** Re: the lack of documentation
>>>>>> Unfortunately, November 2015 saw a drama surrounding Debian Live. You
>>>>>> can get a summary at <>
>>>>>> From a user's point of view, the upside is that a new tool is being
>>>>>> developed, and debian-live will still be available in the mean time. The
>>>>>> downside is that the original site is gone and the documentation is a bit
>>>>>> difficult to find. I personally read it at
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> *** Re: keyboard layouts
>>>>>> I haven't played much with that, but I think it might be possible
>>>>>> with a preseed config? See an example here on lines 3-4 (where I had to
>>>>>> comment it out because not all keyboards at my place are the same):
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> *** /lib/live/mount/medium
>>>>>> No idea. What do you want to do?
>>>>>> *** Re: CDs being from the past
>>>>>> My undestanding is that the new tool will have that aspiration, but
>>>>>> I'm not actually following it, so take my word with a pinch of salt.
>>>>>> On 29 July 2016 at 13:37, Brian Wengel < <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Dear debian-live team
>>>>>>> I can't find any documentation about Debian Live?
>>>>>>> E.g. what's the username and password?.....I did find it on Google
>>>>>>> after some time...but that should not be source of the most basic and 
>>>>>>> vital
>>>>>>> information.
>>>>>>> Another simple questions is how to change keyboard layout. I expect
>>>>>>> at least half of the users of Debian Live uses a different
>>>>>>> would be nice if it was more easy to change for all of us.
>>>>>>> I did found a way to change it on Google (but nothing I will be able
>>>>>>> to remember) now I need to keep a note together with my Live USB 
>>>>>>> key!
>>>>>>> I never found a way to make it persistent.though.
>>>>>>> Can I edit a file in /lib/live/mount/medium?
>>>>>>> As the vast majority do use a writeable medium (USB flash) and not a
>>>>>>> read-only would be nice if it was more easy to change
>>>>>>> persistently.
>>>>>>> Another thing:
>>>>>>> I guess no one use CD-ROMs these days.....I haven't had a drive in
>>>>>>> my laptops for MANY years!
>>>>>>> Maybe it's time to stop aiming Debian Live to a CD-ROM media, and
>>>>>>> stop using it in titles, guide etc. At least not as the
>>>>>>> primary media/option....we moved to USB flash drives many years ago ;-)
>>>>>>> When I read the limited pages and documentation about Live, it's
>>>>>>> almost as USB flash keys are a brand new technology that most people
>>>>>>> haven't started using yet.
>>>>>>> advance.
>>>>>>> Brian
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Pablo Brasero Moreno
>>>> --
>>>> Pablo Brasero Moreno
>> --
>> Pablo Brasero Moreno
>> --

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