The package live-manual is also available in the repos for Stable, Testing and Sid with the appropriate manual for each version.

Packages available for testing and sid are currently at the same version number.

Can't personally say how it works out as I have not used it since Squeeze.

On 07/29/2016 11:42 AM, Pablo Brasero Moreno wrote:
No worries, I understand. However, for completeness and to avoid misunderstanding, I'll point out that the manual does exist, although not at its original location but at In fact your question is answered in section 6.2.

But yes, it's unfortunate that this whole sorry episode took place in the first place and left the project in this state. Here's to live-wrapper to take its place sooner than later, so that we can forget it. Some documentation is being produced at the moment, so that's heartening: Thanks to the team working on it.

On 29 July 2016 at 18:21, Charles Chambers < <>> wrote:

    Hi, Pablo:

    I appreciate the response, but I'm holding out for updated
    documentation everyone can find and use.



    On Jul 29, 2016 6:28 AM, "Pablo Brasero Moreno" <
    <>> wrote:

        Charles, I think I can help you with that:

        On 29 July 2016 at 14:21, Charles Chambers <
        <>> wrote:

            And I could never find a step by step set of instructions
            to create a preseeded install medium from a Debian live
            image that included the nonfree repository.  Such a medium
            would have been a restore USB thumb drive for a laptop, to
            include wifi drivers from which to run the install
            entirely from wifi instead of having to use an Ethernet

            The documentation needs to be available and updated.

            My $0.02.



            On Jul 29, 2016 5:59 AM, "Pablo Brasero Moreno"
            < <>> wrote:

                Hello Brian,

                *** Re: the lack of documentation

                Unfortunately, November 2015 saw a drama surrounding
                Debian Live. You can get a summary at

                From a user's point of view, the upside is that a new
                tool is being developed, and debian-live will still be
                available in the mean time. The downside is that the
                original site is gone and the documentation is a bit
                difficult to find. I personally read it at

                *** Re: keyboard layouts

                I haven't played much with that, but I think it might
                be possible with a preseed config? See an example here
                on lines 3-4 (where I had to comment it out because
                not all keyboards at my place are the same):

                *** /lib/live/mount/medium

                No idea. What do you want to do?

                *** Re: CDs being from the past

                My undestanding is that the new tool will have that
                aspiration, but I'm not actually following it, so take
                my word with a pinch of salt.

                On 29 July 2016 at 13:37, Brian Wengel
                < <>> wrote:

                    Dear debian-live team

                    I can't find any documentation about Debian Live?
                    E.g. what's the username and password?.....I did
                    find it on Google after some time...but that
                    should not be source of the most basic and vital

                    Another simple questions is how to change keyboard
                    layout. I expect at least half of the users of
                    Debian Live uses a different would
                    be nice if it was more easy to change for all of us.
                    I did found a way to change it on Google (but
                    nothing I will be able to remember) now I
                    need to keep a note together with my Live USB key!
                    I never found a way to make it persistent.though.
                    Can I edit a file in /lib/live/mount/medium?
                    As the vast majority do use a writeable medium
                    (USB flash) and not a read-only would
                    be nice if it was more easy to change persistently.

                    Another thing:
                    I guess no one use CD-ROMs these days.....I
                    haven't had a drive in my laptops for MANY years!
                    Maybe it's time to stop aiming Debian Live to a
                    CD-ROM media, and stop using it in titles, guide
                    etc. At least not as the
                    primary media/option....we moved to USB flash
                    drives many years ago ;-)
                    When I read the limited pages and documentation
                    about Live, it's almost as USB flash keys are a
                    brand new technology that most people haven't
                    started using yet.



-- Pablo Brasero Moreno

-- Pablo Brasero Moreno <>

Pablo Brasero Moreno <>


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