> To get further, I'd kindly ask someone who understand this code to 
> double-check if it is *really* doing its job
> as expected since, given the date of Daniel's commit, I shouldn't be needed 
> to add manually those packages in a list
> (I'm using live-build 4.0.5-1 build from the tagged-version-line :
> http://live-systems.org/gitweb/?p=live-build.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/debian-old-4.0
>  - on Jessie).

Disclaimer : OK, so I'm not a coder at all then what follows could be 
completely insane. If it would be the case, please forgive me.

Looking at Daniel's patch : 
If I get it correctly, this is checking if a file called 
"config/package-lists/live.list.chroot" exist and if it does *NOT* exist, then 
it creates it and fills it with:

Unfortunately, I've been using a file nammed "live.list.chroot" to put the 
"debian-installer-launcher" package while following the chapter 18.7 of the 
live-build 4.x manual. This chapter says: "$ echo debian-installer-launcher >> 
config/package-lists/installer.list.chroot" but I changed the name of the file 
(this is the unfortunate part) to fit with what I was thinking I was doing (do 
not forget that I'm still on my first play with live-build).

Having already a file nammed "live.list.chroot", I guess the script from 
Daniel's commit doesn't do nothing because the file *already* exists.

I've been rebuilding an ISO changing the name of that file from 
live.list.chroot to installer.list.chroot and removing mention to the live-* 
package to check if the script was working as expected and... it does perfectly.

>From there I would suggest either :
1) putting a note in the manual saying "Do *never ever* choose 
"live.list.chroot" as a file name since it's already used internally unless you 
*really* understand what it's implying"
2) put something before the build time that check if no file called 
"live.list.chroot' lives in config/package-lists/ and act in a "are you really 
really *REALLY* sure of what you're doing" way.

Hope I didn't say to much crap and it helps

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