----- Mail original -----
De: humbert olivier

>I've been playing around live build for a few weeks and been able to achieve a 
>lot of what I want to do thanks to a .pdf documentation (which I believe is 
>up-to-date) provided on IRC by chals, cheers for that, really appreciated.
>I'm building basically a Debian Jessie MATE live image with live build 4.0.5-1 
>taken from the git repo and build following the information in the 
>My issue is as following : after being able to add a personal repo, some 
>packages lists, building a skel/ folder ans other stuffs, I'm trying to get 
>the debian installer icon from the MATE desktop when running as live (USB in 
>my case if that can be helpful).
>Here is the issue explained with a cut-down example of the command I'm using :
> -----------
> mkdir -p live/auto
> cp /usr/share/doc/live-build/examples/auto/* live/auto/
> cd live/
> pluma auto/config
>  * adding :
>         --architectures i386 \
>         --archive-areas "main" \
>         --debian-installer live \
> mkdir -p config/package-lists/
> pluma config/package-lists/bureau.list.chroot
>  * adding :
>         task-mate-desktop
>         mate-system-tools
>         caja-open-terminal
> echo 'debian-installer-launcher' > config/package-lists/live.list.chroot
> ------------
> Then I'm building the ISO with the command : su -c "lb config && lb clean && 
> lb build"
> When the ISO is done, I'm copying it to a USB-key with : su -c "cp 
> live-image-i386.hybrid.iso /dev/sdb"
> following by a "sync" command before unmounting the USB key to try it.
> When booting from this USB key, I've got a "kernel panic" at boot time which 
> I don't really understand where it come from.
> Note that if I'm removing the line "--debian-installer live \ " from 
> auto/config and the file config/package-lists/live.list.chroot, build the ISO 
> and boot on it, everything is working fine : I can access the MATE desktop 
> without any trouble (ie: no kernel panic at boot time).
> Note as well that I've been trying to add the lines :
>         --linux-packages linux-image-3.16.0-4 \
>         --linux-flavours "586" \
> to auto/config but unfortunately, that makes no difference.
> Info : strangelishely, I've got mentions of 2 different kernels in the 
> build.log : linux-image-586 and linux-image-686-pae .
> So I've been reading the whole doc and searching into the mailing-list 
> archive and have been unable so far to find what I'm doing wrong or what I'm 
> forgetting so far.
> Any help will be much appreciated here.
> Thanks for reading.
> Olivier

Digging a bit more and trying different stuffs, I just saw that I've got this 
in the build.log :

libisofs: WARNING : Can't add /firmware/firmware-linux-free_3.3_all.deb to 
Joliet tree. Symlinks can only be added to a Rock Ridge tree.

I'm unsure about what it is, but given the definition of this package ("Binary 
firmware for various drivers in the Linux kernel"), I think it could be related.
Would be great if someone could enlight me about this.


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