On Fri, Aug 28, 2015 at 4:39 PM, o haya <oh...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> chals,
> Thanks for all of the responses!

You are welcome!

> FYI the live-build that installed with Debian 7.8 was: 3.0.5-1.
> I am curious if you would know when (what version of) live-build it was
> changed to use the chroot_local-includes directory instead of
> includes.chroot directory?

I do not remember that from the top of my head. You can check the
changelog which contains the relevant info:

> I probably will rebuild the config tree, but I just want to try to
> understand/know what versions they were using when they did this before (no
> documents were left).

Fine by me. Enjoy you live experience :)


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