I'm using Jessie amd64 and live-build 4.0.3-1 to build a custom Jessie
amd64 hybrid ISO. I have enabled multiarch in config/hooks. I have some
custom packages in config/packages.chroot (amd64 and i386) that all get
installed, except for one: teamviewer_10.0.41499_i386.deb. I know this is
not a Debian package, so I humbly ask for help. At first I thought it was a
name issue, as I had atom-amd64.deb that refused to install but after
renaming it with dpkg-name everything worked. With teamviewer dpkg-name
found nothing to do because the name is already in the correct format. The
build log does not mention any error relating to teamviewer. Can someone
here enlight me as where else to look for errors or the reason of the
unexpected behavior?

Ing. Otto Domínguez
Cel. (+502) 3002-4084

Por favor no envíe archivos adjuntos en formatos propietarios.

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