The below fixed the preseed issue from the boot menu, but not the liceCD installer. I am pretty sure the details from Fernando will be what I need to do, but once again, I will update as soon as I make more progress.

Thanks, all.

On 8/29/2014 3:27 PM, Zed wrote:
I accidentally took the list of a few responses, and Stefan was kind enough to let me know, so here is the last communication I sent him (intending to go to the whole list) with the solution, or at least what appears to be so far:

root@debian:/# find /lib/live -name "preseed.cfg"

I also verified that the preseed in that location is in fact mine.

I changed the boot from:
.linux /install/vmlinuz file=/install/preseed.cfg


.linux /install/vmlinuz /install/preseed.cfg

This worked!!

Thank you, Stefan. I have been beating my head against the wall and you got me looking down the right path. Thanks to DBA on IRC and Fernando as well!

I think I can update my configs now so they will work. I need to make sure I document some of these finer points so I don't forget. Haha!

Zed (Devin)

On 8/29/2014 2:07 PM, Zed wrote:
Here are all the configs in my isolinux dir.
include menu.cfg
default vesamenu.c32
prompt 0
timeout 0

menu hshift 0
menu width 82

menu title Boot menu
include stdmenu.cfg
include live.cfg
include install.cfg
menu begin advanced
    menu title Advanced options
    include stdmenu.cfg
    label mainmenu
        menu label ^Back..
        menu exit
    include advanced.cfg
menu end

menu clear

menu background splash.png
menu color title    * #FFFFFFFF *
menu color border    * #00000000 #00000000 none
menu color sel        * #ffffffff #76a1d0ff *
menu color hotsel    1;7;37;40 #ffffffff #76a1d0ff *
menu color tabmsg    * #ffffffff #00000000 *
menu color help        37;40 #ffdddd00 #00000000 none
menu vshift 12
menu rows 10
menu helpmsgrow 15
# The command line must be at least one line from the bottom.
menu cmdlinerow 16
menu timeoutrow 16
menu tabmsgrow 18
menu tabmsg Press ENTER to boot or TAB to edit a menu entry

label live-@FLAVOUR@
    menu label ^Live (@FLAVOUR@)
    menu default
    linux @LINUX@
    initrd @INITRD@
    append preseed/file=/install/preseed.cfg @APPEND_LIVE@

label live-@FLAVOUR@-failsafe
    menu label ^Live (@FLAVOUR@ failsafe)
    linux @LINUX@
    initrd @INITRD@

label install
    menu label ^Install
    linux /install/vmlinuz
    initrd /install/initrd.gz
append preseed/file=/install/preseed.cfg vga=788 @APPEND_INSTALL@ -- quiet

label installgui
    menu label ^Graphical install
    linux /install/gtk/vmlinuz
    initrd /install/gtk/initrd.gz
append preseed/file=/install/preseed.cfg video=vesa:ywrap,mtrr vga=788 @APPEND_INSTALL@ -- quiet

label hdt
    menu label ^Hardware Detection Tool (HDT)
    com32 hdt.c32

label memtest
    menu label ^Memory Diagnostic Tool (memtest86+)
    linux /live/memtest

I am still learning these scripts, so I appreciate any assistance. Cheers!


On 8/29/2014 1:57 PM, Stefan Baur wrote:
Am 29.08.2014 um 21:51 schrieb Zed:

I have tried various boot options to resolve, but receive the same error
(with thefile:///  as entered of course):
append preseed/file=/install/preseed.cfg
append preseed/file=/media/cdrom/install/preseed.cfg
append preseed/file=/media/cdrom0/install/preseed.cfg
Could you please post your complete isolinux.cfg (and any *.cfg files it
may pull in additionally)?


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