On 02/23/2014 11:43 PM, Daniel Dickinson wrote:
> Currently each live-image is a separate entity

that's the general principle, a deliberate design decision we will, in
general, not change.

> it is difficult, especially for elements like bootloaders and chroot 
> includes, to maintain a set of common elements
> from which you pick what applies to a given image (e.g. with symlinks) along 
> with
> it's unique elements.

for bootloader configuration, you can create a syslinux-theme-* debian

for chroot includes, you can create a debian package as well.

> for binary hooks can work around this


> adding a package would achieve this for chroot, creating a package is
> a lot of work for the payoff

live-build is built primeraly for people who know debian packaging in
order to get proper results, but we do provide fallbacks for people who
don't (includes and hooks); after all, debian-live is for debian, not
for slackware or lfs, or...

> I don't expect this will be worked on soon, but I make a note in case I or 
> someone
> else gets the time to do something about it.

do you have *concrete* suggestion? if not, i'm inclinded to close the
bug because:

  * the target audience is debian packaging aware people
  * we provide a fallback you can do everything with (hacky, but
  * you can't have everything at the same time when it's
    mutually exclusive (dereference symlinks or not)


Address:        Daniel Baumann, Donnerbuehlweg 3, CH-3012 Bern
Email:          daniel.baum...@progress-technologies.net
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