
On Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 1:56 PM, Hillel Lubman <> wrote:

> Hi.
> I tried to build KDE desktop based live image using the web autobuilder
> at:
> However I ran into several problems. Firstly, I needed Debian testing
> distribution, but it only had Wheezy and Sid. So, I went with Sid and set
> KDE desktop, amd64 where appropriate and enabled Debian installer.
For now try building Wheezy.

> Later the build failed, because some virtualbox packages were missing:
> [2013-12-10 01:40:18] lb chroot_install-packages live
> P: Begin installing packages (live pass)...
> Reading package lists...
> Building dependency tree...
> Reading state information...
> E: Unable to locate package virtualbox-guest-dkms
> E: Unable to locate package virtualbox-guest-utils
> E: Unable to locate package virtualbox-guest-x11
> I noticed that they aren't in the main repository, but in contrib. I went
> back to the settings and tried to add contrib to *Advanced bootstrap
> options:* *--archive-areas*
However that field was read only. There was no way to explicitly exclude
> the faulty packages too. Did I miss something there, or it's a bug?

For legal reasons main is the only archive-area. Search the m-l archive for
dialog on the legal reason.

> Regards,
> Hillel Lubman.

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