Hi, On Fri, Nov 23, 2012 at 10:12 PM, Vincent <vincent.ste...@laposte.net>wrote:
> I think the live user gets only created at boot time. See > http://live.debian.net/manual-2.x/html/live-manual.en.html#287 and > > http://live.debian.net/gitweb/?p=live-config.git;a=blob;f=scripts/config/0030-user-setup;h=d0939a23a87d2b17e9992ffa5b66c441760d8917;hb=HEAD > . > Note that /etc/skel is involved, too. > Thnx, V. The issue actually was that my self-created service account had the same UID set (even if it's named differently). UID 1000 seems to be hard-coded so that different usernames are not considered correctly during live-config. However, now that I use a different UID for my system account everything else is working fine. Br, Julian