1) I cannot find the nfs configuration parameters I specified with lb config inside the live.cfg file. I tried deleting the whole directory and starting over from scratch after a live-boot update in wheezy. Same results.
2) mount fails saying it can't read /etc/fstab because it doesn't exist. I'd imagine if I edit my live.cfg to put in the para,enters as you did, I will no longer get this error. 3). Just as you noted in the mailing list, doing an exit two times at the fail prompt causes a kernel panic. So yes, identical situation. I forgot to mention it, but I am building an amd64 live net boot image. On Aug 1, 2012 12:29 AM, "Strickland, Carl" <carl.strickl...@intel.com> wrote: > Hi David, > > I've had a similar issue (I think) and it was reported on the list by Jim > Richardson here: > http://lists.debian.org/debian-live/2012/07/msg00027.html > > I haven't been able to resolve it and mailed my own follow-up to that > message to the list here: > http://lists.debian.org/debian-live/2012/07/msg00161.html > > Can you confirm two things for me? > > - live.cfg has parameters netboot=nfs and nfsroot= > /srv/debian-live > - Can you execute the following commands successfully at the fail prompt? > >ipconfig eth0 > >mount -o nolock -o ro /live/image > >ls /live/image > > The first will confirm that we have the same setup as used in the above > mailing list post (I think, since I'm getting the same error). The second > will confirm that we can all manually set up our networks, mount our nfs > paths, and view their contents but that it isn't happening automatically. > > I'm more than happy to provide any additional information I can or help > debugging this, but I've yet to receive a response from someone who can > point me in the right direction. > > > Cheers, > Carl Strickland > > > > >