El 08/04/12 07:11, Daniel Baumann escribió:
On 04/08/2012 12:19 AM, adrian15 wrote:
I rewrote the patch according to intrigeri wishes and with some pieces
of advice from Daniel.

but now you did worsen it a bit compared to the last iteration :)

   * use 'mkdir -p /live/findiso' instead of 'mkdir /live/findiso -p'
     for consistency.

   * use 'if [ -d /live/findiso ]&&  [ ! -d /root/live/findiso ]'
     instead of 'if [ -d /live/findiso -a ! -d /root/live/findiso ]'
     which is a bashism.

   * don't use 'local' when declaring variables, it's a bashism.

other than that, looks good to me.

I rewrote the patch with your pieces of advice implemented.

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diff --git a/manpages/en/live-boot.7 b/manpages/en/live-boot.7
index ed66ad7..29c577a 100644
--- a/manpages/en/live-boot.7
+++ b/manpages/en/live-boot.7
@@ -66,6 +66,8 @@ Target <target-name>
   Lun 0 Path=<path-to-your-live-image.iso>,Type=fileio,IOMode=ro
   # If you want to boot multiple machines you might want to look at tuning some parameters like
   # Wthreads or MaxConnections
+.IP "\fBfindiso\fR=\fI/PATH/TO/IMAGE\fI" 4
+Look for the specified ISO file on all disks where it usually looks for the .squashfs file (so you don't have to know the device name as in fromiso=....).
 .IP "\fBfromiso\fR=\fI/PATH/TO/IMAGE\fI" 4
 Allows to use a filesystem from within an iso image that's available on live-media.
 .IP "\fBignore_uuid\fR" 4
diff --git a/scripts/live b/scripts/live
index e248937..77ca9d1 100755
--- a/scripts/live
+++ b/scripts/live
@@ -1357,6 +1357,21 @@ check_dev ()
 		mount -t ${fstype} -o ro,noatime "${devname}" ${mountpoint} || continue
 		[ -n "$devuid" ] && echo "$devuid" >> $tried
+		if [ -n "${FINDISO}" ]
+		then
+			if [ -f ${mountpoint}/${FINDISO} ]
+			then
+				umount ${mountpoint}
+				mkdir -p /live/findiso
+				mount -t ${fstype} -o ro,noatime "${devname}" /live/findiso
+				loopdevname=$(setup_loop "/live/findiso/${FINDISO}" "loop" "/sys/block/loop*" 0 "")
+				devname="${loopdevname}"
+				mount -t iso9660 -o ro,noatime "${devname}" ${mountpoint}
+			else
+				umount ${mountpoint}
+			fi
+		fi
 		if is_live_path ${mountpoint} && \
 			([ "${skip_uuid_check}" ] || matches_uuid ${mountpoint})
@@ -1643,6 +1658,26 @@ mountroot ()
 	# when booting FAI, this simple workaround solves it
 	ls /root/* >/dev/null 2>&1
+	# Move findiso directory to the new root filesystem so that programs there can get at it.
+	if [ -d /live/findiso ] && [ ! -d /root/live/findiso ]
+	then
+		mkdir -p /root/live/findiso
+		mount -n --move /live/findiso /root/live/findiso
+	fi
+	# if we do not unmount the ISO we can't run "fsck /dev/ice" later on
+	# because the mountpoint is left behind in /proc/mounts, so let's get
+	# rid of it when running from RAM
+	if [ -n "$FINDISO" ] && [ "${TORAM}" ]
+	then
+		losetup -d /dev/loop0
+		if is_mountpoint /live/findiso
+		then
+			umount /root/live/findiso
+		fi
+	fi
 	# copy snapshot configuration if exists
 	if [ -f snapshot.conf ]
diff --git a/scripts/live-helpers b/scripts/live-helpers
index 889d157..2c943f1 100644
--- a/scripts/live-helpers
+++ b/scripts/live-helpers
@@ -143,6 +143,11 @@ Arguments ()
 				export STATICIP
+			findiso=*)
+				FINDISO="${ARGUMENT#findiso=}"
+				export FINDISO
+				;;
 				export LIVE_GETTY
@@ -1579,3 +1584,15 @@ fix_home_rw_compatibility ()
 /home source=." > "${include_list}"
+is_mountpoint () {
+	directory="$1"
+	if [ $(stat -fc%d:%D "${directory}") != $(stat -fc%d:%D "${directory}/..") ]
+	then
+		return 0
+	else
+		return 1
+	fi

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