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On Thu, 2011-12-15 at 23:01 +0100, Daniel Baumann wrote:
> On 12/15/2011 10:50 PM, Adam D. Barratt wrote:
> > For the record, I did not forget.  I was under the impression that what
> > you'd previously requested, and what we had agreed, was that you wished
> > to be copied on the mails announcing the dates of the point releases,
> no; i said it numerous times already, the last time was:
>   http://lists.debian.org/debian-live/2011/09/msg00036.html

(and to which you appear to have ignored the response, at least

That mail says you'd like to know "the rough estimated date" for
planning purposes, which is simple enough in any case - two months after
the previous one.  I know we don't always stick rigidly to that, but it
should be a good enough guide for deciding when to commit fixes, work on
particular issues, etc..

The purpose of the initial co-ordination mails is precisely to narrow
that "rough estimated date" to an exact date, for those who need to be
involved in the process on the day itself, as it's happening.  It's not
copied to -boot, for instance, or -kernel, but both teams still know
roughly when uploads will need to be ready for.

(Actually, in both of those cases fixes generally get worked on and
uploaded throughout the cycle rather than just towards the end, which is
arguably a better workflow for all involved.)

> nothing changed before that, nothing changed since that, and i have
> nothing more to add to that.

Then I suspect you haven't read the above.  Hopefully it does some good
for someone, in any case.



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