The live-boot branch tmp-persistent [1] (rebased on today's debian-next) now implements the following features from the RFC [2]: persistent-encryption=TYPE1,TYPE2 ... TYPEn This option determines which types of encryption that we allow to be used when probing devices for persistent media. If "none" is in the list, we allow unencrypted media; if "luks" is in the list, we allow LUKS-encrypted media. Whenever a device containing encrypted media is probed the user will be prompted for the passphrase. The default value is "none". persistent-method=TYPE1,TYPE2 ... TYPEn This option determines which types of persistent media we allow. If "overlay" is in the list, we consider overlays (i.e. "live-rw" and "home-rw"); if "snapshot" is in the list, we consider snapshots (i.e. "live-sn" and "home-sn"). The default is "overlay,snapshot". persistent-read-only Filesystem changes are not saved back to persistent media. In par‐ ticular, overlays and netboot NFS mounts are mounted read-only, and snapshots are not resynced on shutdown. persistent-storage=TYPE1,TYPE2 ... TYPEn This option determines which types of persistent storage to con‐ sider when probing for persistent media. If "filesystem" is in the list, filesystems with matching labels will be used; if "file" is in the list, all filesystems will be probed for archives and image files with matching filenames. The default is "file,filesystem". Since the "persistent-encryption" and "persistent-storage" options make the optional parameters to "persistent[=(cryptsetup|nofiles)]" obsolete, that option has been updated (both man page and code) to reflect this change. Some code has also been refactored and/or generally improved and/or bug-fixed, especially the device scanning and LUKS-handling code. As a completely coincidental bonus, snapshot files on encrypted partitions are now supported. So, review and pull requested. I've done some quite heavy testing with positive results, for whatever that's worth :). Cheers! [1] http://live.debian.net/gitweb?p=live-boot.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/tmp-persistent [2] http://live.debian.net/devel/rfc/persistence/ -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux) iEYEARECAAYFAk7Ng9EACgkQp8EswdDmSViiHACg07lTmMZUmUr7LHDO6G//7MkV yBsAn0OsYOdedbQ8L4KgM1fG1b/Ivg0X =xYG1 -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-live-requ...@lists.debian.org with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org Archive: http://lists.debian.org/12945.