On 06/14/2011 07:48 AM, DrEagle wrote:
> Good morning All,


> Is there any plan of debian live to support ARM platform ?

yes; genesi gave me an efika mx to support that endavour. eventually,
i'll pre-build images and upload them to live.debian.net on a regular
basis (daily/weekly).

unfortunately, we're not quite there yet. the missing pieces are:

  * we'll need armhf port (for efima mx, doesn't bother other arm
    platforms though), that should mostly be ready on debian-ports.org
    these days.

  * live-build should, on arm, seperate rootfs and kernel somehow, so
    that we can offer one (or two) userspace images, and a multitude of
    different kernel and initrd images per hardware platform.

  * currently, live-build always builds images natively. for arm, we
    should use binfmt_misc, so that one can alternatively build it
    basically everywhere (and specifically on i386 and amd64). zumbi
    and i talked about that about a year ago on irc (check the logs at
    live.d.n/archive/irc for more), it contains all necessary
    information to make it happen (it wasn't implemented yet as there
    was no way of confirming and testing the resulting images yet, now
    that i've got and arm device since last summer, this should be much
    easier in future).

> Is there any tool that can help to achieve the same work as liveboot do
> for i686 ?

apparently, the ubuntu arm/linaro guys are using jasper on arm. i've not
used that, however, i would prefere having live-boot being improved for
arm on anything that might be needed for arm (again, not having done
anything with it on arm yet), but bugs and/or patches are most welcome.

> Are the arm kernel image compiled and available in generic like i686 ?

arm is a regular debian architecture, so yes; and armhf is available on

> Do I need to made a version for each hardware target ?

see above about kernel and userspace rootfs separation. in the absent of
having that implemented, you would need one full image per target.


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