> Hi,
> I built a live system with the latest live-build package(Version: 3.0~a13-1). 
> But when I test it with qemu, I got the error message:
> SYSLINUX 4.03 20110219 ...
> ERROR: No configuration file found
> No DEFAULT or UI configuration directive found!
> boot:
> Hi
same problem here, I'm using Debian Wheezy amd64, live-build 3.0~a14. I made
an usb-hdd image but I could not boot. But maybe I found the problem, I
noticed indeed that in my image there were no /syslinux/syslinux.cfg and
I simply copied/pasted these files from a daily image, I modified them
according to my needs and I could boot.
The absence of these two files is intentional or is it a bug? Thanks.

my lb -config parameters:
lb config  -b usb-hdd \
-a i386 \
--binary-filesystem fat32 \
-d wheezy \
--mirror-binary http://ftp.it.debian.org/debian/ \
--mirror-binary-security http://security.debian.org/ \
--parent-mirror-binary http://ftp.it.debian.org/debian/ \
--parent-mirror-binary-security http://security.debian.org/ \
--archive-areas "main contrib non-free" \
--debian-installer businesscard \
--debian-installer-gui true \
--tasks "print-server mail-server" \
-p lxde-desktop \
--packages "firmware-linux-nonfree unetbootin unrar synaptic cups
system-config-printer localepurge bleachbit gparted openshot audacity
chromium-browser flashplugin-nonfree vlc gecko-mediaplayer minitube
libreoffice libreoffice-help-it ntfs-3g ntfsprogs gimp inkscape blender
wicd" \
-l it \
--bootappend-live "live-config.locales=it_IT
live-config.timezone=Europe/Rome live-config.keyboard-layouts=it"

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