The debian-live manual has a section called "for the impatient", but it only addresses the impatient builder of a live iso, not the impatient end-user of the live iso. Debian-live is now about as user-friendly as any distribution, at least until you get to wireless, but the documentation is not nearly as user-friendly as the software itself. What about the beginner who simply wants to get debian-live running from a thumb drive?

I can understand that developers might not be interested in explaining how to burn an iso or what is meant by a hybrid iso, but there seems no place at present for user-created documentation. The debian-live wiki is deprecated, and there is no section devoted to debian-live on the debian wiki. Wherever this documentation is put, the sections for 1) builders and 2) end-users should be separate. One problem getting started with debian is the volume of information turned up by any search, very little of which is relevant to the new user.

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