* Debian Bug Tracking System <ow...@bugs.debian.org> [Mon Sep 27, 2010 at 
10:30:04 +0000]:

> #536728: support persistent devices names
> It has been closed by Marco Amadori <amado...@vdavda.com>.


> this feature request should be available since at least version 2.0~a1-1.

> It is implementeed that way:

> You could specify "persistent-subtext=subText" as live boot parameter in 
> order 
> to have live-boot (live-initramfs) to look for persistent and snapshot 
> partitions or files labeled "live-rw-subText", "home-rw-subText", and files 
> called "live-sn-subText*", "home-sn-subText*" for the snapshots.

Marco, could you please document this feature?
I can't find it in manpages/*/live-boot.7 yet, would be great if
documentation matches implementation. :)

thanks && regards,

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