On Sat, 18 Sep 2010 17:39:10 +0100 Brendan Sleight wrote:

> On 18 September 2010 17:25, Francesco Poli <f...@firenze.linux.it> wrote:
> > But the two files are still there, it seems:
> > http://live.debian.net/gitweb?p=live-manual.git;a=tree;f=html;h=59f1d83bacbeeb560da1a05287c468bee9fae7de;hb=30f57268ba82463e46f9627a687c6c0603918677
> Yes the files are still in the Git repository. Please re-read the
> above and the git commit.
> The *package* does not contain these files. The package (against which
> you files the bug) no longer contains the files.

I trust your word for it.

Sorry for doubting this before: I was assuming that everything in the
git repository ended up in the source package...

> The online manual
> links to the files (in the git repository - but these are not in the
> source of the package),

Hence the online manual is still non-free, even though with the
non-free part stored in a separate place...
Not a bug in the Debian package, but something to fix anyway, I would

> For example, I could in a package have a html file which points to
> http://www.google.co.uk/intl/en_com/images/srpr/logo1w.png the link
> does not make the *package* non-free. As long as that package does not
> contain the file(s), it is free.

Such hypothetical package would not include non-free files, that's
true, but that HTML file would not be readable in its intended form
when off-line, for instance.
I would tend to consider such package as flawed...

> Again I really hope this clarifies why the bug on the package is closed.

The debian/copyright file still seems to need an update, though.

 Need some pdebuild hook scripts?
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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